  • 學位論文


A Study of Experiential Marketing of Hakka Cultural Activity--The case study in Bei-Pu

指導教授 : 曾慈慧 林銘昌


體驗行銷是在體驗消費文化趨勢之衝擊下,新出現以感官、情感、行動、思考及關聯美學為主體的行銷活動形式;根據體驗行銷學者的看法,「文化」是體驗行銷的核心,對於客家文化活動而言,透過地方產業的文化加值,以及創意行銷,創造地方傳統文化的經濟價值,使地方居民與來遊玩的遊客產生對文化之認同心理,進而提升地方認同感與在地產業文化之認知程度,愈是懷舊的、歷史情感的、或是特殊性的地方產業,經由地方創意資本的投入,愈容易成為消費的主體,形塑新的體驗經濟價值。 因此本研究以Schmitt(1999)建構之「體驗行銷模組」測量至北埔遊玩的遊客體驗,探討遊客體驗行銷模組、情緒體驗、體驗滿意度及購買意圖。採用問卷方式調查,共計回收有效問卷409份。將問卷所得之資料採用SPSS10.0進行描述性統計分析、因素分析、信度分析與相關分析,以瞭解遊客體驗、情緒體驗、體驗滿意度及購買意圖之現況。並利用AMOS 4.0套裝軟體作為整體模式分析及假說檢定之資料分析工具。 研究結果結果顯示:遊客對於體驗行銷在差異性檢定部分成立有顯著上差異。在體驗行銷中,以關聯體驗及感官體驗最高分,建議繼續維持其水準,而較低的思考體驗及情感體驗,建議相關部門與業者對此做強化及改善,經由營造特殊的氣氛及創造多樣化的體驗,提供能引導遊客至某種情緒中足以誘發消費者的情緒附加價值,亦經由體驗滿意度之中介的方式進而影響其購買意圖。


This research adopts Schmitt’s (1999) construction of Experiential Marketing to evaluate tourist’s experiences to BeiPu. It will be focused on tourists’ experiences on Marketing Experiential, emotional experience、experience satisfaction and Consuming intention. Adopting questionnaire as the research method in this paper, there are 409 effective questionnaires were retrieved. The data is analyzed by the SPSS10.0 and Description statistics、Principal Components Method、Reliability analysis and Structural equation modeling. In addition, this paper uses AMOS4.0 software as the tool to analyze hypothesis test. The research result revealed: tourists have remarkable divergence between Marketing Experiential and a part of test is acceptable. Among Marketing Experiential, Marketing Experiential and Relation Experiential received the highest scores which are also being suggested to maintain its standard. Feel experiential and Think Experiential received the lowest scores which are suggested to the authority to strengthen its defects and improve the situation by developing exotic atmosphere and various/ creative experimental. This can lead tourist to certain mental emotions and are by emotional additional value and affects their Purchasing Intention by experience satisfaction


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