  • 學位論文


The Relationships of Life Stress, Leisure Coping Strategies, and Health of Rural Tourist

指導教授 : 湯幸芬


隨著科技與社會經濟的進步,現代人的生活壓力不斷增加,造成身心健康上的影響。根據相關研究,休閒能夠調適生活壓力對健康的影響,因此,本研究從休閒效益的角度,探討生活壓力知覺、休閒調適策略以及健康之關係,並以關心自然環境與強調社會永續的鄉村旅遊遊客為實證分析調查對象,針對至苗栗縣南庄地區年滿16歲以上的鄉村旅遊遊客進行便利取樣,共發放問卷500份,回收有效問卷483份。資料分析方法有描述性統計、驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式(SEM)。 研究結果顯示受訪者對生活壓力知覺程度依序為「生理壓力」、「環境壓力」及「心理壓力」;休閒調適策略以「改善情緒式休閒」為主要策略,「舒緩身心式休閒」次之;健康狀態以「社會功能」最佳,「一般健康」其次;「生活壓力知覺」對「健康」為負面影響,顯示生活壓力會對受訪者身心健康帶來不良之影響;「生活壓力知覺」對「友伴式休閒」及「改善情緒式休閒」為正面影響,表示當生活壓力越大時,受訪者越會從事「友伴式休閒」與「改善情緒式休閒」來因應生活壓力;「改善情緒式休閒」、「友伴式休閒」對「一般健康」為正面影響,由此可知透過參與能提昇正面情緒及友誼支持的休閒活動來因應生活壓力,能促進受訪者的一般健康,而「舒緩身心式休閒」則能降低生活壓力知覺對一般健康的負面影響;「改善情緒式休閒」對「社會功能」有正面影響,表示經由從事能調整情緒的休閒活動因應生活壓力,可增進受訪者社會功能的健康。 由此可知生活壓力對於健康的影響甚巨,而休閒調適策略具有緩衝生活壓力對健康的影響。在未來發展與規劃鄉村旅遊活動時,可多以「改善情緒式休閒」及「友伴式休閒」活動為主,來幫助鄉村旅遊遊客因應生活壓力。


Along with the progress in technique and social economy, people's living pressure increases dramatically, their physical and moral fines being under great threat. According to previous studies the leisure may generate positive effects on mental state and health. Based on the surveys about the relationship between life stress, leisure coping and health. The objective of this investigation and analysis is focusing on society sustainability and natural environment cares. The targeted group is the rural tourist aged over 16 and travelling in Miaoli County Nanzhuang area. By convenience sampling method, 500 copies of questionnaires were sent out and 483 of them were collected. Statistic techniques, including descriptive statistics, confirmation factor analysis(CFA) and structural equation modeling(SEM), are used in the dissertation. The findings demonstrate that the main leisure coping strategy for rural tourists is “leisure mood enhancement”, and followed by ” leisure palliative coping”. The best health strategy for rural tourists is ”social functioning”, and followed by” general health”. Life stress is negatively correlated to tourists’ health. There are positive relationships between “ leisure mood enhancement”, ”leisure companionship” and “health”. This demonstrates that living stress brings the bad influence regarding the participant physical and moral integrity, and the mood leisure activity is possible to improve participants' health. Living stress has major impacts on tourists’ health, while the leisure coping strategy is effectively in relaxing negative effects of stress on health. Using “Leisure companionship” and”leisure mood enhancement” for the adjustment of living stress consciousness has the best positive effect on “the general health”. This indicates that leisure indeed has effects on the living stress adjustment strategy, and can promote physical health and holistic moral integrity and support toward leisure from society is an important factor to adapt living pressure. In conclusion, living stresses did affect tourists’ health a lots and the leisure coping strategy is a proved way to absorb and decrease the impacts of living stresses on peoples’ health. When develop and plan the rural tourism activity in the future. By Using leisure companionship and leisure palliative coping primarily will help the rural traveling tourists to release living pressures.


Stress coping Leisure benefi social support SEM




