  • 學位論文


Biling Looked the Bunun Singing Pasibutbut to Becom Bisosilin -In the View of the Theory of Serious Leisure Biling Looked the Bunun Singing Pasibutbut to Becom Bisosilin -In the View of the Theory of Serious Leisure

指導教授 : 童秋霞


而臺灣原住民十四族中,布農族的音樂衍生自傳統部落的生活,舉凡狩獵、農耕、祭典及日常生活,均與合唱音樂有密不可分的關係,因此布農族也有「合唱民族」之稱。 1943年日本音樂學者黑澤隆朝在國際間披露台灣布農族的八部合音(Pasibutbut),獨特的多聲部和聲唱法改變了西方音樂學者的音樂觀。 Pasibutbut八部合音的演唱方式,是由8-12位布農族男子,分成四聲部來搭配合唱,起音之後由於每一聲部都相互影響,演唱時從頭到尾都是隔鄰歌首者之間交叉牽手,圍成一個圓圈,緩步以逆時鐘的方向來進行,直到演唱完畢才昂首看天停下腳步。至於四個聲部複音進行的模式,可以分成毫不間斷的四個階段來進行。 Pasibutbut的表演者練習的過程四聲部必須都到齊才能進行,也由於技巧性高,所以在投入的歷程中,表現出個人的努力或堅持的毅力等等。經由研究者參與觀察與文獻回顧中發現,Pasibutbut表演者的特質與活動,可能與認真休閒的特質與活動相似符合。如研究者在2007年4月到10月觀察他們在投入練習的過程中,即使遇到颱風夜依然持續練習,這樣堅持的毅力表現出認真休閒的特質。 因此本研究嘗試以 Stebbins 的認真休閒理論架構來分析研究。本研究之研究目的包括: (一) 以認真休閒相關理論,了解一個Pasibutbut表演者開始投入的意義。 (二) Pasibutbut表演者,個人的努力(personal effort)、毅力(perseverance)、認同感、次文化、當成生涯(career)來看與長久持續的利益(long-lasting benefits)。是否具備認真休閒的特色 (三) 詮釋Pasibutbut表演者,在文化傳承過程中,產生次文化的情形。 本研究之對象為南投縣信義鄉布農文化協會的成員。研究中以觀察法與面對面訪談來蒐集資料,期間歷時一年。 資料分析的步驟,將逐字稿之內容,整理分析後進行首先進行分類的動作,如吸引、傳承、投入、傳統、傳統與宗教、傳說、技巧、分享、文化藝術素養、付出、代價、成就感、信任、酬賞、價值觀、學術研究、獨特性、隱憂等等,針對相同點進行歸類的動作,使用認真休閒理論中「個人努力」、「堅持的毅力」與「獨特的價值觀」、「事業像創業般的努力」、「次文化與身份認同」、「持續的利益」嘗試將分析資料歸納至這六大特質中。 Stebbins 的認真休閒理論未提到「傳承」可能可以成為認真休閒的特質,在本研究中發現「傳承」是一個非常重要的持續投入的一個特質。 本研究經由相關文獻之探討、觀察法調查、訪談調查等資料分析研究結果,獲致以下二個結論: 第一 Pasibutbut表演者,具有共同價值觀-文化傳承。 第二 Pasibutbut表演者,在投入練習的過程中有著認真休閒的特質。


認真休閒 八部合音 天籟


During the 1970s, the Australian government began to emphasize the importance and uniqueness of the aboriginal culture and history. Additionally, in 2000, during the Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia, performances honoring aboriginals were on display during the opening ceremony. The result of these two events led to the national recognition of the importance and contributions of aboriginal folkarts. In Taiwan, a similar event occurred for the Taiwanese aboriginal tribes, especially to the Bunun tribe in the area of chorus singing, allowing the Bunun tribe to develop the reputation for being strong and talented chorus singers in Taiwan, In 1943, a Japanese musician heard a song (pasibutbut) being sung by the Bunun people and was extremely impressed by their abilities. He wrote a paper about the singing which was read by many Westerners and thus redefined their views and opinion about chorus singing overall. As a result of research, it is believed that pasibutbut, the activity itself, represents the concept of “serious leisure”. This paper will use Stebbins’s theory on serious leisure, as well as the “fringe society” theory and “social exchange” theory, to analyze pasibutbut. Additionally, quotes, facts and information will be taken from other Taiwanese sources to complete the paper. The other sources include interviews with 8 members of the Bunun Association. The methods used during the interviews include observation and face-to-face discussions which took a year to conduct. Objectives (1) to use the theory on serious leisure to understand the meaning of a pasibutbut singer’s devotion into the activity (2) to analyze whether certain points (personal effort, perserverance, self identity, secondary culture, career, and long-lasting benefits) represent the theory of serious leisure (3) to explain that when the pasibutbut singer is engaging in the activity, a secondary culture occurs Conclusion (1) Pasibutbut singers share distinctively identical values with each other. (2) Pasibutbut singers represent the qualities of serious leisure.


Serious Leisure Pasibutbut Bisosilin


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11. 林佑瑾、李英宏、葉源鎰(2003)。從事高爾夫球活動者之認真性休閒特質與休閒阻礙關係之研究。第五屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會論文集。


朗蔚‧瑪拉斯拉散(2017)。祈禱小米豐收歌的圓滿經驗: 台灣布農族吟唱pasibutbut意識狀態初探〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201703410
