  • 學位論文


An Exploration on Welfare Service Delivery and Social Work Interventions at Domestic Violence Service Centers

指導教授 : 廖淑娟


本研究旨要探討家庭暴力事件服務處社會工作輸送與處遇,論文內容聚焦於家庭暴力事件服務處社工員,協助受暴者解決問題、尋求資源,其專業服務的過程。 本研究採用質性研究方法,以中部某縣市的家庭暴力事件服務處為主要研究範圍,透過11 位社工員的深度訪談,以及田野調查資料,進行此探索性的研究。另外我嘗試現象學互為主體的概念,使參與研究者在其工作場域中以最原始的風貌進行實務分享。   本研究有四個主要發現:第一是家庭暴力事件服務處社工員於提供服務過程必須具備兩種專業,包含社工專業與法律的專業。第二,家庭暴力事件服務處福利服務輸送特性,包含案主導向、需求導向、責信等等。第三,社會工作觀點與處遇主要以案主為中心及目標導向,以協助案主獲得資源。最後,社工員自我覺察部份則是理論與實務的結合並對社會工作倫理與價值進行覺察、反思。   本研究貢獻,第一我認為好的服務輸送,必須藉由社工員進行資源連結,並順利將資源輸送到案主手中。本研究之社會工作處遇可提供從事家庭暴力防治的社工員進行福利服務的參考方向。


This study investigated welfare service delivery and social work interventions at domestic violence service centers of court contexts. I focused on directed services that social workers provided to those who experienced domestic violence and came to court for help. I conducted qualitative research to better understand participants’ real feelings and the perspectives of their services and interventions. I employed phenomenology to create the inter-subjective relationship which helped participants share their lived experiences with smooth feelings. There were four major findings from this study. First, social workers at domestic service centers had to master both social work and law professions in order to provide right services. Second, the characteristics of welfare service delivery were customized, useful, convenient and suitable; the professional services were need-oriented with responsibility and had delicate skills. Third, the perspectives of social work interventions were mainly client-centered and goal-oriented to obtain the best resources for those who came for help. Finally, social workers perceived themselves in the integration of theories and practices, and reflection of social ethics and value. This study contributes to and enriches theories of social work. First, good service delivery is contextualized. Court social workers who delivered their services for domestic violence women must overcome barriers to make successful connections. Second, the intervention generated by this study might become a model for domestic violence social workers to practice in the court contexts.


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盧詠麗(2012)。法院家暴事件服務處 社會工作倡導經驗之探究 ~以勵馨基金會為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315293767
