  • 學位論文


A study of the relations among the medication, health food and life satisfaction of the elder people

指導教授 : 何清松


本研究旨在瞭解老人的生活滿意度和相關因素,探討不同的人口特性、健康狀況與生活滿意度之關係,並進一步分析老人用藥及保健食品使用與生活滿意度的關係。 本研究為使用行政院衛生署國民健康局在民國九十二年九月至九十三年二月所進行的「台灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤第五次調查」中的原始資料,選取65歲以上老年人進行分析。所收集之資料以SPSS12.0套裝軟體,進行次數分佈、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及複迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示老人整體生活滿意度屬高滿意度比例較高,以滿意程度等級而言,有53.87%屬於高滿意度,僅有16.75%滿意度較低。人口學變數中之老年男性、國小以上教育程度、有配偶、自覺健康狀況越好者生活滿意度越高。服用「止痛藥」之老人生活滿意度比未服用者低,可能是疼痛會造成老年人主觀上的不適及功能障礙,進而影響自覺健康,降低生活滿意度。服用「綜合維他命或礦物質」之老人生活滿意度較高,可能是「綜合維他命或礦物質」可以促進健康,增強老人免疫力和降低疾病感染風險,老人因為服用綜合維他命或礦物質,認為自己很健康,提高生活滿意度。複迴歸分析結果則發現「教育程度」、「婚姻狀況」、「自覺健康狀況」、使用「止痛藥」及使用「綜合維他命或礦物質」等變項對老人生活滿意度得分達統計之顯著相關。 生活滿意度乃是老化研究領域中的重要議題,是成功老化的重要指標之一,老人為了進一步尋求健康而使用藥物及保健食品,相關單位可以就本研究中與生活滿意度有顯著相關性之使用「止痛藥」及使用「綜合維生素或礦物質」提供更多老人正確的資訊及資源,尤其在止痛藥使用方面,提供正確用藥觀念,將有助於老人之用藥安全,減少不適當用藥及不良藥物反應等問題產生。


老人 用藥 保健食品 生活滿意度


The aim of this study was to understand the degree of life satisfaction and its associated factors in elderly people. Its objectives were to access how demographic characters and health conditions affect the degree of life satisfaction in older people, and to determine whether medicine and health food improve their life satisfaction. This study used the original data collected between September 2003 and February 2004 by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan for the fifth survey of its ‘Panel study of the physical health, mental health and social activities of elderly people in Taiwan’. . Data of those people aged 65 years and older was selected and analyzed using SPSS 12.0 software to produce the results with frequency distribution, Student’s t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multivariable regression models. These results showed that the majority of elderly people were satisfied with their lives. 53.87% of respondents reported a high degree of satisfaction. Only 16.75% said that they were not satisfied. Demographically, those who were male, had at least a primary school education, were living with a spouse and felt healthy reported a higher degree of life satisfaction. Those who took painkillers expressed less satisfaction with life than those who did not. Maybe the pain and dysfunction in their bodies were affecting their self-perceived health status and caused them to feel less satisfied. Respondents who had been taking multivitamins and mineral supplements had a higher degree of life satisfaction. Health supplements could improve general health of elderly people, enhance their immune system and reduce the risk of becoming infected with other diseases. Those who had been taking these supplements might have perceived themselves as healthier and became more satisfied with life. The results of multiple regression analyses showed that education backgrounds, marriage status, self-perceived health status, use of painkillers, consumption of multivitamins or mineral supplements all have significant effects on the overall life satisfaction of elderly people. Life satisfaction is an important issue in aging research, and an important indicator of successful aging. Older people tend to use a variety of medicines and health foods to seek improvement in their health. The results of this study show that the use of painkillers and dietary supplements significantly affects older people’s life satisfaction. Based on these results, relevant organizations can offer elderly people more accurate information and resources regarding painkiller and supplement use. Knowledge of correct use of medicines, especially painkillers, will help elderly people to use medicines safely, reduce the risk of medicine misuse and adverse effects.




