  • 學位論文


A Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior toward HIV/AIDS in Gays from Four Counties in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊志良


台灣自民國75年至96年底本國籍HIV感染者達15,011人,同性間性行為以36%上升趨勢僅次首位毒癮者2%,男女感染人數性別比為9:1,由此顯示男性族群,尤其是同性戀族群為目前防治愛滋病極其重要的部份。本研究欲了解男同志對愛滋病的知識、態度,以及是否有危險性行為之現況和其他影響因素, 以降低HIV的盛行率。 本研究採立意取樣和滾雪球方式於中部四縣市,以愛滋病指定醫院和民間團體之男同志(感染者/非感染者)為研究對象,以自行設計之結構式問卷,收集315份有效問卷,經人體試驗委員會核可。 經本研究結果顯示,男同志愛滋病的知識愈高對促進愛滋病的態度有正面影響,其解釋力有32.4%;愛滋病態度愈正向對愛滋病的行為愈有正面影響;愛滋病的知識與是否鼓勵親密伴侶作愛滋血液檢驗的行為有顯著相關(X2=6.91**);年齡層在30至49歲的愛滋病知識會比50歲以上者好;教育程度在高中、大專以上者,愛滋病知識比國中、小學好;男同志並不會因為居住地區的不同而有較好的知識、態度和行為;非感染者的知識與態度呈現低度顯著負相關;不確定是否認識愛滋友人較有認識者從來不會使用保險套的機率為1.71倍。 本研究建議相關衛生單位在做衛教宣導時,可多加強『愛滋病的診斷』這方面的衛教;以及對於男同志拿取衛教手冊或單張的意願不高,究其心理因素是否拿取愛滋手冊等同於宣告自己為感染者,建議相關衛生單位是否能改變紙本文宣為電子郵件或電話關懷衛教,提高感染者能安心且有較高的意願來了解愛滋的相關訊息;提早於國小教育來更正同志污名化的觀念,了解同志不等同於愛滋病,釐清愛滋病的傳染途徑,用正確且健康的態度來面對同志(感染者/非感染者)。


男同志 愛滋病 態度和行為


There were 15,011 native human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive patients between 1986 and 2007. Among them, patients who had homo-sexual behavior made up the second largest group and the number had increased 36% since 1986. In contrast, the number of patients with drug-addition had only increased 2%, even though they are still the largest group. The ratio of male and female patients with homosexual behavior was 9:1. This information showed that homosexual group, especially the gay group, should be the major concern of the prevention and control policies of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). The aims of this study were to understand the knowledge and attitude of AIDS of gays, their current level of risky sexual behavior and other associated factors to change their behavior, in order to reduce HIV infections in Taiwan. Purpose sampling and snowball sampling methods were adopted. Gays, including HIV-infected and non-infected candidates in non-government organizations and AIDS assigned hospitals were the subject of this study. 315 effective self-designed structural questionnaires were collected. The study was approved by institution review board. The study brought 7 results. Higher level of knowledge of AIDS in the HIV positive gays studied caused more positive attitude toward AIDS and its explanation power was 32.4%. The more positive attitude toward AIDS, the more positive actions. The knowledge of AIDS in gays studied was highly correlated to their willingness to encourage their intimate partners to do AIDS screen tests (X2=6.91 **). The respondents aged between 30 and 49 had more knowledge of AIDS than the respondents aged 50 and over. The respondents who are of high school or higher education background had better knowledge, attitude, and behavior toward AIDS. The knowledge, attitude and behavior toward AIDS in gays did not relate directly to where they resided. Non-HIV infected respondents had significant negative correlation between knowledge and attitude toward AIDS. Those who were uncertain if they had AIDS friends were 1.71 times less likely to use condom during sexual intercourse than those respondents who had AIDS friends. This study suggests that medical and healthcare facilities should instruct the patient more of ‘Diagnostic methods of AIDS’. In addition, the study shows gays are reluctant to pick up AIDS manuals and vouchers even though they may need them. Maybe psychologically they feel that this action would announce themselves as HIV positive patients. This result suggests that instead of having the vouchers or manuals in paper, health care facilities could use emails or give instructions over the phone. It would be beneficial if HIV positive patients could have a better attitude toward understanding AIDS. Education could be given at elementary school stage to avoid discrimination against homosexuality, to promote the understanding that homosexuality does not equal to AIDS, and to clarify the routes of AIDS infection so the society can have a healthier and more accurate attitude towards homosexuals, no matter they are HIV positive or negative.




1. 行政院衛生署疾病管制局網站http://www.cdc.gov.tw


洪啟彰(2012)。男同性間性行為者在社群網站中尋求伴侶時的性態度 和行為研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.03033
