  • 學位論文


A Study of Prevention Behaviors of Avian influenzaand Related Factors among Students in Higher Grades of Tai-chung Elementary School

指導教授 : 藍守仁 張庭彰


隨著世界距離的縮短與國際間交流頻繁等因素,促成傳染病的傳染速度與傳染範圍之擴增,喚醒國人對傳染病的警戒與重視。本研究主要目的在於暸解國小高年級學童於禽流感預防行為現況,並探討影響禽流感預防行為之相關因素。本研究以自行研發之間卷,經信、效度評鑑,以立意取樣選取台中市某國小九十五學年度高年級學童614位進行測驗,回收資料以統計之t檢定、單因子變異數分析(如Anova)和皮爾森積差相關(Pearson)等分析方法,探討不同背景的學生在面對禽流感的認知與預防行為上的差異。 研究結果顯示: (1)學生禽流感的基礎知識層面及治療層面有待加強,而學生面對禽流感的健康信念為積極正向。 (2)在預防行為上,當第一個到教室時,大多學生皆未能做到先將窗戶打開以讓空氣流通;;有感冒症狀時,亦未能戴上口罩,顯示學生的預防行為仍有待加強。 (3)在洗手行為表現上,大多學生有良好的徹底洗手意願 '顯示學校推廣正確洗手步驟成果有效,但於障礙性認知中發現,學生若未能確實實施勤洗手行為,是因公共場合未提供肥皂或洗手乳,甚至是因擔心公共場合的肥皂太髒所致。 (4)學生對於「廁所的衛生紙桶可能成為傳染病流行的傳染源」之認知有待加強,也為當局所應深思者。 (5)在知識得分土,愈高年級表現愈好,而在預防行為表現上,五年級學童優於六年級。 (6)禽流感知識得分與有效性認知、嚴重性認知及預防行為呈現顯著正相關。 (7)障礙性認知與預防行為之間的相關性最高,其次是嚴重性認知,再其次是有效性認知,最低的是罹患性認知,皆達顯著。 建議在未來實施,衛生教育介入方面,應把握禽流感流行時機進行隨機教學,加強基礎知識的宣導,並將教育對象涵蓋老師及學童家人;而學校衛生設備亦應配合進行改進,以利預防行為的確實實施。


Along with the shortening of the world distance and more frequent international communication, the speed and the range of infectious diseases spreading have been greatly accelerated, and it indeed evoked people to pay attention to the infectious diseases and emphasize it. To prevent to recommit the same error of SARS, the main purpose of the study is to comprehend how students in the higher grades of elementary schools react to preventative behavior of the Avian Flu and to analyze relative factors of the influence of precautionary measures. We used the questionnaire designed by ourselves which was tested by reliability and validity, and tested 614 students who were higher grades of elementary school by purposive sampling method. Collected data were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation statistical methods, to discuss the difference in students had differ background faced to the Avian Flu and the difference of the preventive behavior. The study has the following results: (1) The basic knowledge and cognition of Avian Flu in students must to be emphasized, but the beliefs to face the Avian Flu is cheerful. (2) In the preventive behavior, when the first student arrived to the classroom, most of the students would not open the windows to make the air circulating; when students got a cold, most of them would not wear a mask either. It showed the preventive behavior must to be emphasized. (3) On washing hand, most of the students have good habit to wash hands. It means that the schools popularize how to wash hands well. But according to the perceived barriers, we found that if the students didn¡¦t wash hands surely, the reasons were the public place didn¡¦t provide the soap or hand wash, or the students felt the soap was too dirty to use in public place. (4) The cognition of the garbage can could be the contagium must to be emphasized, and the authority must cogitate. (5) On the scores of the knowledge, senior students get higher points than juniors¡¦; but on the one hand of preventive behavior, the fifth grade students was better than sixth grades students. (6) The score of Avian Flu knowledge was positive correlative with the perceived benefits of taking action, perceived seriousness, and preventive behavior. (7) The perceived barriers of taldng action was highly correlative with the preventive behavior, the second was perceived seriousness, the third was the perceived benefits of taking action, and the lowest was perceived susceptibility. They are all significant. According to the result of the investigation, we suggested that we must take chance to teach when Avian Flu prevalent randomly, to emphasize the basic knowledge teaching, and expanding health education to the families of students and teachers; and the equipment in schools should be ameliorate to benefit the preventive behavior to come into operation.


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