  • 學位論文


Applying multipeer-to-multipeer data transmission techniques using a learning website

指導教授 : 呂克明


一般校園學習網站受限於學術網路的下載頻寬,通常所能提供給學習者的資訊僅止於檔案較小的Office 文件、圖片、Flash 動畫,對校園活動多以靜態的表達方式呈現,較不易吸引學生、家長族群的注意。縱使學校有心想提供檔案較大的教學視訊、生動富吸引力的活動影片,亦因為相同的頻寬問題而無法提供便利快速的下載。BitTorrent 軟體的多點對多點傳輸下載模式(P2P)是目前網路上最熱門的技術之ㄧ,在減低伺服器的負擔、快速分享、快速下載的能力方面有優越的表現,因此我們以BitTorrent 軟體做為我們的P2P 傳輸技術研究工具之一,應用在下載學習網站大型檔案的效能測試。我們在論文中設計而且實作,以BitTorrent、FlashGet、單線下載等三種方式來進行實驗,針對同一大型影音檔案進行下載,做長時間記錄、分析,研究以BitTorrent建構學習檔案傳輸之可行性,並歸納出在不同的時段,以何種下載工具下載最有效率。 藉由 P2P 軟體,用戶可以有效地互相分享各種檔案,但是卻造成網路壅塞以及智慧財產權的侵犯的問題,讓BitTorrent 軟體被認為是一種協助盜版、非法分享傳播的工具,著實非常可惜。若我們能善加利用P2P 軟體優越的傳輸能力,在教育及商業上作正向的運用,提供更優質的檔案傳輸服務,相信P2P 軟體定能為網路世界做出一番貢獻。


多點對多點 P2P BitTorrent


Due to limited download bandwidth, most school learning websites could only provide files of smaller size, such as Office files, images, and Flash animation. The school activities presented in stilled formats hardly attract the attention of students and parents. Even the school wants to provide instructional video and activity films of larger file sizes, the download speed would be quite slow due to the limited bandwidth. The multi-peer to multi-peer download mode (P2P) of BitTorrent is one of the popular technologies on the Internet. With excellent performance in reducing server load, quick share, and fast download, BitTorrent is used as one of the P2P transmission technology research tools in this study for efficiency testing of downloading large files from instructional websites. This study designed and tested three download methods, namely BitTorrent, FlashGet, and single line download with the same large video file. The download was recorded, analyzed, and researched the feasibility of constructing learning file transmission with BitTorrent. This study also discussed which download tool is more effective under different time periods. By using P2P software, users could effectively share various files, yet there are problems of Internet jam and infringement of intellectual property. Therefore, BitTorrent has been considered a tool that assists piracy and illegal broadcasting. If the excellent transmission capability of P2P software could be used positively in education and business, better file transmission service could be provided, as a result, P2P software could contribute to the Internet.


multi-peer to multi-peer P2P BitTorrent


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[36] P2P development, open source development,http://www.oreillynet.com/p2p/.
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