  • 學位論文


Applying Grey System Theory to Analyze and Search Lost Cars

指導教授 : 呂克明


中文摘要 現今消費型態的改變,購車時辦理貸款人數比例上升,雖然每月所繳納款項不多,但無法負擔貸款的人數也不在少數,進而造成銀行的嚴重呆帳,如何找回所借貸之車輛以降低損失,成為各銀行間重要的課題。銀行間因成本之考量,便委託民間業者進行車輛協尋及拍賣。車輛協尋公司也就因此而生。 灰預測,是1982由鄧聚龍博士提出,針對系統模型之不確定性及資訊之不完整性,進行系統的關連分析及模型建構,並藉著預測及決策的方法來探討與瞭解系統在信息不完全、不確定的因素下,研究少數據不確定性的學科。 本研究是利用灰色系統理論,就衛星定位之經緯度找出其協尋車輛可能位置之方法。在至少四個衛星定位數據中,以MATLAB 矩陣分析,計算出其特徵值,將其被掩蓋的規律及特徵浮現出來。換句話說,就是利用在汽車協尋系統中的衛星定位系統,找出經度及緯度的數據,再利用灰色生成的方式降低數據中的隨機性,並提昇其規律。故在系統模型中不明確性、資訊之不完整性及不確定性下,進行關於系統的關聯性,進而預測協尋到車輛。


ABSTRACT Grey Systems Theory was proposed in 1982 by Dr. Julong Deng for relational analysis and model construction in systems with uncertainties or few data. The method relies on prediction and decision making methods to understand these data. This research uses Grey System Theory and Global Positioning System (GPS) longitude/latitude data to predict the possible location of a vehicle. MATLAB matrix analysis is performed on data sets of at least 3 GPS location data to computer the eigenvalue and show the hidden rules and characteristics of the data. In other words we use the in-vehicle GPS tracking system to gather the longitude/latitude locations of the vehicle, then use “gray generation” to reduce the randomness in the data and create rules which define the data. Therefore, in indefinite systems with few or uncertain data, by finding system relationships, a vehicle’s location can be predicted.


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