  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness Study of Using Computer-Assisted Instruction on Learning Chinese Stroke Orders

指導教授 : 呂克明


本研究基於國小國語科筆順教學的需要,故針對國小二年級學生利用電腦輔助教學媒體在國字筆順學習上進行研究。 本研究以南投縣某國小二年級四個班級學生,共一百二十二位小朋友為對研究對象,採用準實驗設計,隨機抽取二個班級的學生共六十一名為實驗組,實施電腦輔助教學;另外二個班級的學生共六十一名為對照組,實施傳統課堂教學,以比較電腦輔助教學與傳統課堂教學,對於國小二年級學生的語文科國字筆順學習之影響。實驗單元為國語第四冊第二課到第七課,利用研究者所設計的筆順電腦輔助教學媒體對受試者分別進行教學實驗。資料處理以敘述統計(mean standard deviation)、z檢定(z-test)、t檢定(t-test)及單因子共變數分析,比較不同學習法在筆順學習效果上的差異。 本研究根據實驗後分析,獲致以下結論: 一、電腦輔助教學組的學生與傳統教學組的學生在語文科國字筆順學習上有顯著差異,實施電腦輔助教學對學生國字筆順學習有明顯幫助。 二、不同性別的學生在接受電腦輔助教學後,語文科國字筆順學習上的差異有達顯著水準,發現男生的學後測驗成績明顯優於女生。 三、電腦輔助教學多媒體對學生較具吸引力,利用筆順教學系統進行國字教學,功效比傳統課堂教學來的大,尤其對程度低落的學生更有顯著的效益。


The study is based on the need of teaching stroke orders for characters observed in the instruction of mandarin department of primary school. For this purpose, the investigator designed this project to examine the effects of using computer-assisted instruction on learning Chinese stroke orders for a group of second graders in primary school. The subjects of this investigation were four classes of 122 second graders of a primary in Nantou Country. Having adapted quasi-experimental design, the investigator assigned dynamically two classes of 61 students to the experimental set, and the other two classes to the control set. The experimental units are selected from lesson 2 to lesson 7 of mandarin textbook volume 4. The study applies computer-assisted instructions of Chinese stroke order, designed by the investigator to the teaching experiment of the two sets of students. The effects of learning stroke orders using different teaching methods were compared by means of standard deviation, z-test, t-test, and One-way ANOVA. Having used and assessed the results of actual teaching, this study obtains the following conclusion: 1.Computer-assiated teaching has significant effect on enhancing efficiency of recognizing stroke orders of Chinese characters. 2.Upon completion of using computer-assisted instruction of Chinese stroke order, the different gender students learn significantly in stroke orders of Chinese characters. The study finds that boys learn significantly better than girls. 3.Computer-assiated teaching is more attractive to students especially to lower grade, and has more efficiency than traditional class teaching.


66.胡瑞民(2001)。用CAL 探討五專生學習與二次函數相關數學概念之研究。科學教育學刊,9(4),401-416。
3. 邱怡仁(2006),電腦多媒體教學應用。


