  • 學位論文


Apply the Data Flow Diagram and Executable UML for Information System Construction

指導教授 : 呂克明


資料是資料系統中最重要的部份,現行的資訊系統大多以關聯式資料庫為主流的存取媒介。在物件導向原理下,系統的建置包含物件導向分析、設計與實作三階段;分析與設計階段使用統一塑模語言將系統的資料模型以類別圖來進行資料塑模,系統的運作流程以流程圖、順序圖和合作圖表示。統一塑模語言雖然方便了分析工作,但類別圖中類別間的複雜關係,對於資料的描述太過於複雜,導致分析上的困難;而在描述系統的運作步序時所使用的流程圖、順序圖和合作圖,也無法直接表示物件與物件是如何產生實際的連結;在實作階段,將類別對應至資料表格所產生的外鍵設置問題,與統一塑模語言中繼承所產生的多重表格問 題,時常帶給系統設計者實作上的困擾。最終造成雖使用統一塑模語言塑模系統,但卻 帶來更多的衍生問題。可執行統一塑模語言簡化統一塑模語言中類別圖的定義並加入動作語言語法,讓物件之間的運作得以透過動作語言語法來描述。本研究將透過可執行統一塑模語言所提出的類別模型、關係與動態語法,建立資料模型對應管理工具與動作語言語法模型元件。在系統分析與設計階段,使用資料流程圖來表示企業流程與所需資料,並以可執行統一 塑模語言的類別圖和動作語言語法來描述資料間的關聯性;在系統實作階段,即可直接經 由模型對應管理工具將類別圖轉換成對應的資料表格,並將對應企業流程中的動作語言 語法,經由動作語言語法模型元件,轉換為實際的程式碼,以便利實際設計時的工作。 本研究成果對於可執行統一塑模語言如何改善在使用統一塑模語言建立資料模型時,所產生不足的表達與轉換問題提出解決之道,並同時提供模型對應管理工具與動作語言語法模型元件,讓設計者可更快速、正確的開發資訊系統。


The current information systems mostly use the relational database for maintaining the data. Abiding the object-oriented principle, including object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design, and implementing phases for archiving information system. In the analysis and design phases, the class diagram of unique modeling language (UML) is used for data modeling; the flow chart, sequence, and collaboration diagrams are use for presenting the information system processes. Though the UML makes the analysis work easily, there two issues occur when we use it; firstly, the class diagram has complex relationship between classes that always confuse analyzers to describe data structure, and the flow chart, sequence, and collaboration diagrams could not clearly show how to create the link between the objects; secondly, the issue about how to set up foreign key when the classes translate into data tables, and the multiple table problems by UML’s inheritance often confuse the designers. Although we use the unique modeling language to model the information system, it brings some problems. The executable UML simplifies the class diagram of the UML, and it provides action language syntax for describing how the interactions among objects work. The research use the class model, relationship, and action syntax of the executable UML to build the two tools such as data model mapping management (DMMM) and action language syntax model (ALSM) components. In the analysis and design phases, the data flow diagram (DFD) is used for presenting what data the business processes need, and to use the class diagram and action language syntax for describing the relationship between the data. In the implementing phase, we can directly transfer class diagram into data tables through DMMM, and transfer the action language syntax in business process into the physic code by ALSM components. The result provides the solution of the presenting issues, and provides DMMM and ALSM components tools to make the designers develop the information system rapidly and rightly.


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