  • 學位論文


The Study on People’s Landscape Preferences for Home-Stay

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩 嚴新富


摘要 近年來民宿蓬勃發展,住民宿成為體驗不同生活樂趣的最佳方式之一,優質景觀可提升生活環境品質也可帶動民宿發展,綜觀國內相關研究,並沒有實質之研究來探討建築景觀環境對遊客選擇民宿重要性之研究,所以本研究將以景觀偏好:包括景觀客體指外在環境和建築主體,受訪者以觀賞者角度探討其對景觀環境認知。 本研究目的(1)探討遊客對民宿景觀認知。(2)探討遊客選擇民宿偏好。(3)探討遊客對民宿景觀植物認知。(4)探討遊客可接受之民宿價格。(5)分析以上資料以便為民宿相關業者提出未來規劃或整修民宿時具體之建議。本研究於民國98年03月至98年04月期間發放問卷,共發出550份,有效問卷486份,有效問卷率88.4﹪。本研究結果如下: 1.週邊環境景對民宿是重要的。 2.民宿外觀應具備「建築物與週邊景觀環境協調」及「建築物與週邊景觀具特色」等特色。 3.民宿景觀環境須具備「保持原本自然環境樣貌」、「景觀植栽多色彩豐富」、「遊憩性之景觀」、「富地方文化色彩濃厚」、「搭配裝置藝術」、「水景流瀑景觀」等條件。 4.民宿的景觀環境給予「協調的」、「寬廣的」、「特殊的」、及「自然的」等感覺。 5.民宿的景觀植栽應該具有「建物主題風格協調適合」、「簡單的綠美化」、「種植不同花卉以便保持四季均會開花」、「種植四季變化多端的植物方式」等條件。 6.若住宿的民宿景觀環境越優美,願意付較高之價格。 7.民宿週邊景觀綠美化有為民宿景觀必備條件之一。


民宿 景觀 環境 景觀偏好


ABSTRACT Home-stays (bed and breakfast) become popular recently; to live at home-stay is a joyful experience for people to take vacation. Excellent landscape can increase quality of life and also can promote home-stay tourism. There are rare research to study the relationships between home-stay visitors’ preferences and architecture landscape. This research was to study people’s landscape preferences s for home-stay. To realize people’s cognitions to landscape of home-stay, to study people’s preferences of selecting home-stay, to understand people’s cognitions to flora of home-stay, to study an acceptant price to live at home-stay, and to analyze the data to give suggestions for future planning or remodeling home-stays are the objects of this research. Five hundred and fifty people were selected in this cross-sectional, descriptive study by using a structured questionnaire. Four hundred and eighty-six valid data were used to analyze as the results, the valid corresponding rate was 88.4%. The surveys were conducted during the period of March 1 to April 30 2009. The results of this study were the followings: 1. Peripheral environment was important to people’s selection of home-stay. 2. A harmony and a specialty of the architecture and peripheral environment were essential the characteristics of a home-stay. 3. The maintenance of original natural environment, various and colorful flora, recreational landscapes, the richness of local culture, the decoration of arts and water-accessible landscape were the important characteristics of home-stays. 4. To give harmonious, broad, special and natural feelings were important to home-stays. 5. To harmonize the style of architecture, to simplify green beautification, to plant various flora to maintain four-season-blossom, to culture four-season-changeable plants were essential to the home-stays. 6. The more exquisite is a landscape of home-stay, the higher price for visitors was willing to pay. 7. Green beautification was essential to the peripheral landscape of home-stay.


home-stay landscape environment landscape preference


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