  • 學位論文


Heart Rate Variability and Hilbert-Huang Transform based Obstructive Sleep Apnea ECG Analysis

指導教授 : 張剛鳴


現今社會人們的壓力越來越多,導致許多人在精神上常常緊繃的狀態下生活著,尤其晚上睡覺又在不好的睡眠品質下,造成許多人白天精神不濟,一直想打瞌睡,久而久之集中力下降、判斷力變差、記憶力減退,且也有可能引發心血管方面不良的情形,因此近年來睡眠障礙也被大眾所重視,其中又以睡眠呼吸中止症(OSA)最常發生,由於研究睡眠的領域漸漸的明朗,故睡眠中心也熱門,但設備卻昂貴稀少,以致要到睡眠中心做治療的患者人滿為患,還要排隊就診。 為了解決這情形,許多研發中心進而研究開發簡易型的居家量測儀器,方便有需要的患者可以在自己熟悉的場所內進行檢測,解決因到新的環境而有不準確的情形,此外硬體的發展已漸漸輕巧便利,但是在軟體的部份,卻還是無法與睡眠中心的多項睡眠生理腦波檢查(PSG)設備般的仔細正確,故研究探討什麼樣的演算技術跟特徵的選取可以更為準確的判斷有無OSA症狀,所以以希爾伯特-黃轉換(HHT)的演算法分析方式來探討。


Nowadays, the people have the pressure more and more, causes under the condition which many people spiritually frequently tie tight to live. Especially, sleeps every night under not good sleep quality, People spirit badly and want to doze off in daytime. Gradually the concentrated force drops, the judgment goes bad and memory decrease. And also has the possibility to initiate the cardiovascular aspect bad situation. In recent years, sleep disorder gradually national attention, Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (obstructive sleep apnea, OSA) most often occurring. As a result of research sleep's domain bright gradually, therefore the sleep center is also popular. But equipment actually expensive scarce, so that must arrive at the patient who the sleep center makes the treatment to be fully occupied, but must line up the seeing a doctor. In order to solve this situation, many R&D center then research development simple home measuring instrument. The patient may carry on the examination in the familiar place; the solution has the inaccurate situation in the new environment. In addition hardware's development has facilitated dexterously gradually, on the software awaits improvements. Therefore the research discussion calculation technology with the characteristic selection, whether there is the more accurate judgment OSA symptom. The new calculating method analysis mode discusses by Hilbert-Huang Transform (Hilbert-Huang Transform, HHT).


Sleep Disorders OSA HHT


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