  • 學位論文


A Musical-assisted English Grammar E-Learning System - A Case Study of The Musical "Cats"

指導教授 : 陳啟東 周永振


英文是全球共通的語言。近年來政府大力提倡學習英文,英文教育也向下延伸到國小三年級,各大專院校更是把英文能力訂定為畢業門檻的條件之一。在英文如此受到重視的環境下,如何幫助學生克服英文的學習障礙、提昇英文學習成效就成為了一門重要的課題。 資訊科技的發展日新月異。隨著家戶電腦擁有率以及上網普及率的提升,運用資訊與網路來輔助教學也成為現代教師必備的能力,因此「數位學習」大量而廣泛的被運用在各種教學活動上。本研究建立在「精熟學習理論」上,藉著音樂劇來輔助英文數位學習系統(E-Learning System),提供學生不同於傳統教學的學習管道,並分析檢討此數位學習系統的教學成效。以「貓」劇為例,可以運用於輔助英文教學的範圍包含聽說讀寫,其內容亦包羅萬象,本研究僅就「英文文法」作為實驗範疇。 本數位學習系統運用多媒體教材,可以提升學生的學習動機及專注力,且能依據學生個別能力的差異,給予適性化學習,以達到精熟課程內容的目的。傳統教師的教學往往礙於教學進度以及時間和人力,無法對於學生給以個別適性化的輔導,導致少數的學生總是學習成效不彰。如今有了數位學習系統,利用非同步的遠距教學,讓學生在課餘時間利用網路系統進行數位學習。如此一來不但可以節省教師的時間和精神的損耗並且可以因應學生個別差異,給予不同的時間學習,讓學生不再因為課堂上跟不上進度而放棄學習。本研究應用精熟學習理論,建置了英文文法數位學習系統。利用音樂劇貓的高知名度,以及對於學習者視聽感官的刺激輔助英文文法教學,提升學生的學習動機及專注力。經實驗證實,以數位學習的方式確實比一般傳統的口述教學獲得較良好的學習成效。


English is an international language. Recently, the government emphasized English education so much that students started learning it from Grade 3 in elementary school. In Taiwan it also became one of the graduation requirements in almost every college. So, it is an important issue to help students conquer the obstacles toward learning English and enhance the learning efficiency. With the rapid development of technology and the Internet, it becomes an essential capacity for teachers to teach by using computers and network. Therefore, E-Learning is widely applied to various teaching activities. Based on mastery learning theory, Musical-assisted English Grammar E-Learning System provides students with a different method of learning, which is different from the traditional one. This research takes musical "Cats" as an example and English grammar as the experiment category. The system utilizes multimedia materials to promote students' motivation and concentration. It caters to the students with different abilities. Traditional teaching is often limited by scheduled progress, manpower and time. With the help of this system, students can do the adaptive learning after school via Internet in an asynchronous way. Furthermore, the system allows students to learn in accordance with individual differences. No longer will the students give up learning because they cannot catch up with the others in class. The results of this study prove that Musical-assisted English Grammar E-Learning System is effective. E-Learning with mastery learning strategy can not only save time and energy for repetitive teaching, but allow students to learn with joy.


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