  • 學位論文


The Influences of Significant Others on the Junior-High-School Students’ Attitudes toward Sport and Academe

指導教授 : 高立學




This study applied the theory of attitudes socialization to empirically examine the socialization of sport attitudes and learning attitudes. Data were collected from junior high school students, parents, and teachers to explore the influences of significant others on junior high school students’ sports and learning attitudes. Seven classes of the seventh grade and eight classes of the eighth grade were chosen randomly at a junior high school in central Taiwan and questionnaires were distributed to the students, their teachers and parents. There were 474 valid from students, 337 valid from parents, 15 valid from class mentor teachers and 9 valid from physical-education teachers. The results showed that the sequences of significant others affecting students’ learning attitudes from the most important to the least are as follows: parents, peers, teachers, sibling, media and neighborhood. The sequences of significant others affecting students’ attitudes toward sports participation from the most significant to the least are as follows: peers, sibling, parents, teachers, media and neighborhood. The sequences of significant others affecting the students’ attitudes toward watching sports from the most significant to the least are as follows: peers, media, parents, sibling, teachers and neighborhood. That is, for the formation of learning attitudes, students considered that parents, peers and teachers played the important roles. As for the attitudes toward sports participation, students considered that peers and sibling played the important roles. As for the attitudes toward watching sports, the students considered that peers and media played the important roles. It was concluded that the sport and learning attitudes of students were influenced by different significant others.


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