  • 學位論文


A Study on the Sanskrit and Tibetan Versions of Commentary on the "Cittotpādādhikāra" Chapter of the Mahāyānasūtrālaṁkāra

指導教授 : 廖本聖




“Production of mind” is an important topic for the practitioner of the great vehicle. In many literatures, and in modern scholarship as well, we see many compound words made with production of mind. For instance, the production of mind of goodness, the production of mind of evil, the production of mind of equality, the production of mind of charity, and so forth. All this phraseology is production of mind in short. In Sanskrit, the word cittotpāda means arising mind. Arising mind could be good, evil, or neutral. If a person arouses bodhicitta, that is called the production of bodhicitta. The Abhisamayālamkāra (Ornament for Clear Knowledge), mentions that arousing the mind to bodhicitta is to benefit sentient beings. Production of mind is a mind of the six consciousness, which is accompanied by the mental functions of desire, which is one of the five separate realms(五別境). Bodhicitta is a citta (main mind, 心王)combined with mental factors (caitta, 心所). In the cittotpādādhikāra of the Mahāyānasūtrālaṁkāra (Treatise on the Scripture of Adorning the Great Vehicle), in the first stanza, it mentions that the arousal of bodhicitta is due to the desire to attain unsurpassed bodhi for benefit sentient beings. In the cittotpādādhikāra of the Mahāyānasūtrālaṁkāra it is stated that the production of mind means to arouse bodhicitta. This chapter mentions two kinds of bodhicitta: one is common bodhicitta, the other is real bodhicitta. The order of cultivation is that an ordinary person must cultivate common bodhicitta first, then increases compassion and wisdom constantly. When such a person obtains enough compassion and wisdom, following the highest mundane dharma of four good roots (That is the highest mundane dharma of the path of initial application of the Great Vehicle) he or she enters the path of seeing of the Great Vehicle. At that time, the person arouses bodhicitta, which is then called real bodhicitta. In the cittotpādādhikāra of Sthiramati’s commentary it is stated, “When one attains the first ground, one will produce real bodhicitta. Therefore, unquestionably before the first ground, the production of mind is so-called common bodhicitta. After the first ground (including first ground), it is be called real bodhicitta.” In the Mahāyānasūtrālaṁkāra by Maitreya, one of the important commentaries in Mind-only school, the early chapter on cittotpādādhikāra is gotrādhikāra, the later chapter on cittotpādādhikāra is pratipattyadhikāra. According to that order of chapters, the cause of the production of mind is lineage (gotra), and the object of the production of mind is the two kinds of benefits to others.


nasū trā laṁ ra cittotpā gotra The cognizing subject The cognized object The non-discriminating wisdom


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廖本聖著。〈蓮花戒《般若波羅蜜多心經釋》之譯注研究〉。《中華佛學學報》 10。臺北:中華佛學研究所。
廖本聖、顙凌格西著。〈《現觀莊嚴論》綱要書──《八事七十義》之譯注研 究〉。《中華佛學學報》16。臺北:中華佛學研究所。


