  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Categories and Models of Master Sheng-yen’s Dharma Transmission—with a Focus on the Unfolding of the Essential Principles of His Transmission of Dharma

指導教授 : 釋果暉


本論文探討現今多元文化國際社會中,聖嚴法師如何秉持著漢傳佛教的傳承理念,將佛法傳遞到不同文化的族群。透過文獻資料整理,及深度訪談,上述兩種研究方法,經整理聖嚴法師的傳法相關文獻後,發現其以戒定慧三學之架構,融合漢傳禪佛教之傳法精神為共同點,為了因應不同族群的多樣特性,而開展出次第性的傳法種類及模式。 藉由法卷法子名稱變更,發現聖嚴法師傳法前後期的差異,對於傳法定義有狹義、廣義區分。透過戒定慧三學的個別分析,本文將以悲願傳法、戒行傳法、境教傳法、世紀理念傳法,此四種為傳法精神種類。其中,悲願傳法又細分為禪宗明心見性傳法,及悲願建僧傳法。訪談研究得知禪宗在異文化社會的創新應用,在悲願建僧傳承見到漢傳佛教制度,應因於現代化變遷的世代交替。 戒行傳法是以大乘菩薩戒精神,將菩薩道精神於東西方社會文化的應用。境教傳法以聖嚴法師觀音法門的行願精神,體現法鼓山理念於漢傳佛教悲智願行。由上述傳法次第,具體的呈現法鼓山心靈環保的世紀理念傳法精神。總結發現,隨順著聖嚴法師傳法悲願精神,得見其國際化弘法因緣,由最初漢傳禪宗傳法的精神,到後來跨越多元族群整體性的世紀傳法精神,這當中見到漢傳佛教的融合性、普及性特質。


禪宗 聖嚴法師 法鼓山 傳法 漢傳佛教


In a modern, pluralistic, and multicultural society, Master Sheng Yen was able live the ideals of Chinese Buddhism and transmit the Dharma to different races and cultures. The research herein, collected from literature and interviews, focuses on three core principles of Chinese Chan (Zen) Buddhism: discipline, meditation, and wisdom, as promulgated by Master Sheng Yen. This paper shows the methods of Dharma transmission across different nationalities and cultures. According to the Dharma heir’s lineage records, the lineage holder’s name differs. In this article, individual analyses of three studies reviews four types of transmission: compassionate vows transmission、transmission of disciplines、environmental cultivation transmission、century ideal transmission. The compassionate vows transmission differs from the Chan lineage enlightenment transmission. The compassionate vow is necessary when establishing a sangha community. The results of the research here show innovation in applying the Dharma in different societies. The transference and modification of Chinese Buddhism from generation to generation illustrates its ability to modernize. Modernization is also seen in the Compassionate vow to establish a sangha community. The transmission of the disciplines has been conducted using the Mahayana ideals, which are the Bodhisattva precepts. These precepts are applied to aspects of Western and Eastern cultures differently. The Environmental cultivation transmission is the essence of Master Sheng Yen’s Avalokiteśvara methods, which combines the ideals of Dharma Drum Mountain’s compassion and the wisdom of Chinese Buddhism. As mentioned above, these transmissions serve primarily to protect the Spiritual environment of Dharma Drum Mountain through the concept of transmission. In summary, in order to adapt the essence of Master Sheng Yen’s transmission methods across a multi-cultural society in this century, a type of fusion and must occur. This fusion, or adaptability, is a characteristic of Chinese Buddhism.


3、Jimmy Yu俞永峰(2010)。〈A Tentative Exploration into the Development of Master Sheng Yen’s Chan Teachings初探聖嚴法師禪法之演化〉。《中華佛學學報第二十三期》23。臺北:中華佛學研究所。頁3-38。
3、Master Sheng Yen, John Crook, Simon Child, Max Kalin, Zarko Andricevic.2002。“Chan Comes West”.Dharma Drum Publications.
2、Daniel Cozort. 2003.“The Making of the Western Lama.” In Buddhism in the Modern World Adaptations of an Ancient Tradition. Edited by Steven Heine and Charles S. Prebish. Oxford New York:Oxford University Press, Inc. P.222-P239
