  • 學位論文


A Study on Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility:The case of TSMC's Green Supply Chain Management

指導教授 : 吳正中


隨著企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility;CSR)越來越受社會大眾所重視,企業社會責任之概念也從以往基本的經濟及社會層面,延伸到近代所關心的總體環境層面及治理層面。而21 世紀的企業經營環境,企業社會責任更成為企業塑造良好形象,提升企業競爭力與永續經營的關鍵性因素。 近年由於氣候變遷帶來溫室效應,造成地球資源耗竭、生態環境惡化,而對環境保護的關切,更成為世界的潮流。當各國致力推動綠能產業發展的今日,企業勢必要在經營策略中納入環保議題,而如何落實社會責任取得競爭優勢,將會是企業永續經營的重要先決條件。 台灣積體電路公司為全球最大的專業積體電路製造服務公司,經營者深知企業規模愈大,對產業、社會的影響力也愈深,其社會責任的目標是「讓社會更好」。成立27 年來,注重公司治理、遵守法令、重視道德、投入公益也落實環保、關懷地球,並致力主導建立綠色半導體產業供應鏈,成功與供應商以夥伴合作關係兼顧品質、環保、人權,共同攜手善盡企業社會責任,連續三年獲得「道瓊永續指數」(The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes;DJSI)產業領導者首獎及產業鏈管理組最高分的肯定。 本研究透過個案研究分析,探討台積公司如何實踐以推動綠色供應鏈管理為主軸之策略性社會責任( Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility),期能善盡企業社會責任之決心與承諾,此亦為本研究之背景與動機。 本研究之研究目的旨在探討台積公司執行策略性企業社會責任之成效,最終期以達成企業永續之目標。本研究針對個案研究,透過文獻探討、個案相關文件資料蒐集,經分析、整理暨個案公司有關人員訪談後歸納出本研究結論及建議。


As corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gradually become subject of public attention, the concept of CSR has also shifted from basic economical and social level towards a holistic perspective on environmental and governmental level. Within the 21st century’s business environment, CSR has become a key factor in building image for enterprises, enhancing corporate competency and managing long-term sustainability. In recent decades, as global warming caused climate change that again resulted in rapid worsening of the ecological environment and exhaustion of the global resources, the concern about environmental protection has become a world trend. When countries are committed to the development of a green energy industry today, corporations are urged to integrate environmental issues within their business strategy. How to implement CSR to achieve competitive advantage will be an important prerequisite for corporate’s long-term business sustainability. TSMC is the world's largest professional semiconductor manufacturer and service provider. The top management is very much aware that the larger the corporate scale has become the deeper is its influence on the industry and the society, thus the goal of TSMC’s corporate social responsibility is to “make a better society." Since the establishment 27 years ago TSMC has focused on corporate governance, abiding by the law and morality, engaging in public welfare and environmental protection, caring for the earth. TSMC has further been committed to leading the establishment of green semiconductor industry supply chain, it has successfully partnered with all suppliers to ensure quality, environmental protection, human rights and to fulfill Corporate Social Responsibility. For three consecutive years TSMC has been nominated by The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) as the first in industry leadership as well as recognized with highest score in the industry chain management. Through case study and analysis this research explores how TSMC promotes green supply chain management as the mainstay of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (SCSR). The fulfillment of TSMC’s commitment to corporate social responsibility builds the motivation and background of this research. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of TSMC's strategic corporate social responsibility which is indispensable to the achievement of the corporate’s goal of long-term sustainability. This study is based on case study, which was conducted through research of literature, collection of case-related documents to the analysis of related personnel interview to draw the conclusions and form the recommendations.


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