  • 期刊


The Effects of Antioxidant Sport Drink Supplementation on Rehydration after Exhaustive Exercise


本研究目的在於探討含抗氧化劑運動飲料對力竭性運動後,體內水份重貯及電解質平衡的影響。實驗中補充之含抗氧化劑運動飲料(A)內含:果糖、維生素E、β-胡蘿蔔素、維生素C、Na(上標 +)、Cl(上標 +)、K(上標 +)、Ca(上標 2+)、及Mg(上標 2+)等物質。13名健康之男性自願者擔任受試者。所有受試者在溫度26.88℃(±0.23)、相對濕度47.95%(±1.48)下進行運動測試。測試過程包括兩階段,受試者先於60% VO2 max的負荷下進行60分鐘的長時間耐力運動,之後以每分鐘增加0.25 kP的漸增負荷運動至力竭。所有受試於運動後l小時內分別攝取相同於150%體重減少量的純水(W)或含抗氧化劑運動飲料(A)。運動後4小時內,記錄其體重、排尿量及測定各項血液生化值和抗氧化能力指標。單因子重複量數用於檢定攝取不同飲料的變化,若達顯著差異時,再進行事後比較,顯著水準α=.05。實驗結果顯示:血漿中鈉離子濃度,A組與實驗前無顯著差異;W組中則有顯著下降的情形。體重與復水能力方面,在復水指數上,A組顯著地高於W組,這是因為A組的排尿量顯著低於W組的原因。在血比容的變化方面,恢復期結束後兩組都回到正常值,但是A組較快回復。血糖值方面,兩組在運動後皆低於實驗前,但是A組下降的趨勢較緩慢。因此,我們認為於長時間力竭性耐力運動後,補充含抗氧化劑運動飲料有助於人體水份的重貯,並能維持電解質的平衡。


運動飲料 復水 電解質


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of antioxidant drink supplementation on rehydration after exhaustive exercise. Thirteen untrained healthy males (mean age 23.6± 2.3) were assigned to drink either antioxidant drink (A) or water (W). Initial treatments were alternated one week later. Each subject served as his own control. The sports drink contained 17 g fructose, 0.68 mg vitamin E, 2.04 mg β-carotene and 340 ml vitamin C per 340 ml. The endurance cycling test was performed at 60% VO2 max for 60 min. The loading was then increased by 0.25 kp every minute until the subject reached volitional fatigue. After the exercise, subject took a volume of fluid (A or W) equal to 150% of body weight loss within 1 hour. The urine volume, body weight, and N(superscript +)a were measured before exercise and after exercise at 75 min, 135min, 195 min, 255 min, 8 hr, 12 hr and 24 hr. The results indicated that the concentrations of plasma Na(superscript +) in W trial during recovery period were lower than that of pre-exercise (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in any time point in W trial. The index of % rehydration in W trial was significantly lower than W trial. The lower whole body rehydration was observed in W trial compared with W trial. The decrease in blood volume as a result of exercise was completely restored during the 4 hr rehydration period in W and A trial. However, W trial was earlier to reach it as compared to W trial. The values of blood glucose for both trials during recovery period were significantly lower than that of pre-exercise. However, the blood glucose concentration in W trial was lower as compared to W trial at the same time point, but it was later in W trial. The results suggested that the supplementation of the antioxidant drink after exhaustive exercise might help rehydration and maintain body electrolyte balance.


sports drinks rehydration electrolyte


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