



口腔癌 臺灣


During the surgery of oral cavity,the buccal fat pad is atroublesome structure.It is often sucked into the suction tip,thusstopping the surgery;and it can block the view of the surgeons,making the surgical approach difficult.Besides that,failure of tumorextirpation due to inadequate total buccal fat pad lipectomy has beenreported.The anatomy of the buccal fat pad is discussed in thisreport.It can be divided into five parts:body,buccal procOral cancers can occur in various parts of the mouth and may even involve the face and other adjacent areas. Each year, they take many lives in Taiwan. Moreover, the diseases or the treatments can cause difficulties in chewing, swallowing and speech and may jeopardize the aesthetics that are very frustrating to the patients and the families. The incidence rates of oral cancers in Taiwan, per 100,000 persons, were 4.45 for male and 1.42 among women. Oral cancer is among the ten most common malignancies in Taiwan and its prevalence is increasing every year. More than 85% of the patients are older than 40. Over 80% of oral cancers are squamous cell carcinoma and tongue is affected most often. However, the buccal mucosa, gingiva, palate, mouth floor and lips can also be involved. Clinical experience revealed that, at the first visit, about 60% of the patients were at stage 3 or 4 and over 40% had neck metastasis. More than 80% of buccal cancer, tongue cancer or gingival cancer patients had the habit of chewing betel quid. The most common symptoms and signs are painless tumor, long-standing ulcer, or thickening of the mucosa. Tooth loosening can occur if the lesion invades the alveolar process, and functional disturbances almost always signal an extensive involvement. Incisional biopsy remains the most reliable diagnostic method for oral cancers. Surgery and radiotherapy are the principal treatment modalities for oral cancers, while chemotherapy has a complementary role. Previous reports showed that the overall 3-year survival rate of tongue cancer was 38.9% and the 5-year survival declined to 29.8%.The management of the lymph nodes in the neck is still a controversial issue. Reconstruction after the mutilating surgery is a very challenging topic in oral cancers. Local flaps, distant flaps and free flaps have been used to repair the surgical defects in this region. Continuity defects of the mandible are managed differently in different institutes, whereas maxillary defects are commonly repaired by obturators. The prosthodontic rehabilitation for these patients has long been a difficult problem in clinical dentistry. Researches on oral cancers in Taiwan pursue two major routes. The first is to study the carcinogenic ability of betel quid and to delineate the relation between betel quid chewing and the occurrence of oral cancers. Efforts in the other route are focused on the search of anticancer agents and substances that can block the process of carcinogenesis. Oral cancers are formidable diseases. Their prevention and treatment necessitate a multidisciplinary effort. Recent advances in technology have improved the treatment for these patients. However, in view of the rising in betel nut consumption every year and the age-lowering of the betel quid population, education of the public and other measures to prevent the worsening trend can no longer be delayed. ess,temporal process,pterygoid process and pterygopalatine process.Concerning the clinical significance of the buccal fat pad,we canuse the buccal fat pad as a pedicled flap for reconstruction of theoronasal or oroantral defect.Due to its volume and the length of thepedicle,the maximum size of the defect that can be predictablyreconstructed is about 4 centimeters in diameter.


oral cancer Taiwan


