  • 期刊


Aggressive Central Giant Cell Granuloma of the Mandible: A Case Report


中心性巨細胞肉芽腫(Central giant cell granuloma)是一種少見的多核巨細胞骨內侵襲性病變,苦發生於顎骨經常伴隨顔面部持續疼痛腫脹及顎骨骨質破壞,好發於20-30歲年輕女性,顔面部則以下顎骨的發生率最高,目前病因仍不十分了解。本文報告病例爲一11歲女童罹患右側下顎枝骨性病變,經排除患有遺傳性副甲狀腺機能亢進(Hyperparathroidism)後,確定患者罹患右側下顎骨的中心懷巨細胞肉芽腫。病患年紀較低於一般發生年齡,骨性破壞在短短4個月內 十分迅速且嚴重。在與病人家屬多次溝通病情後,施以外行手術大塊切除顎骨病灶,並以自體肋骨移植重建下顎枝及咬合功能,術後不僅病症獲得控制且仍能維持外觀與功能。本文即介紹此一少見病例並回顧相關文獻報告。


Central giant cell granuloma of jaw, a invasive disease uncommonly observed in bone. The lesion usually induces persistent painful swelling of the face and causes bone destruction in the mandible. The disease was found mostly in the 20-30 years old females and the mandible was the commonly involved. We here in reported an 11-year-old girl with right lower giant cell disease on the R't mandible. After the exclusion of hereditary hyperparathyroidism, she was confirmed of the central giant cell granuloma in the right mandible. Beside younger her age, as compared to the averge, she had rapid and severe bone destruction sithin 4 months. Beause of the rapid progression of the disease, she had undergone segmental mandibulectomy and rib grafting for restoring the continuity and the function of the mandible. The unusual case with the correlated literatures thereby was investigated.
