



The intraosseous Schwannoma of the jaw is a rare case, which is a benign tumor. It is also called neurilemmoma and derives from nerve sheath (Schwarm cell). These slowly growing tumors most arise in the soft tissues of the head and neck. There are more frequent in the oral cavity. Tongue is the most common site. They are only 1% occurrence rate in the whole body bone tumor. Intraosseous Schwannoma occurs most in the posterior areas and ramus regions of mandible. The most proper treatment is conservative surgical excision with periodic follow-up. The recurrence and malignant change are extremely rare.We reported a 67-year-old male, with a large multilocular radiolucent lesion over right body and angle of mandible. Bony expansion over right buccal shelf was noted, without any pain or paresthesia. Surgical enucleation was performed and inferior alveolar nerve was protected intraoperatively. Only mild paresthesia over right lower lip was complained after operation, but the symptom/sign subsided after a 2-year follow-up.


Schwannoma Neurilemmoma Intraosseous Oral cavity
