  • 期刊


Application of TCM Health Preserving Theory and Methods on Household Cooking


本文藉參加一個親子的烹飪比賽,順勢導入中醫養生觀念之探討。筆者套用中醫養生觀念,設計了一個「五色養生親子便當」參加比賽,經2位五星級飯店主廚、1位知名美食家及1位台大資深營養師的評定,結果在25組參賽團隊中獲得第一名;「五色養生親子便當」是運用中醫的五行五色均衡營養觀念,以及著重保存食物的原始風味而獲得評審肯定,同時證明中醫的養生觀念絕對符合現代的健康樂活的風氣。 以前很愛研究藥膳,常常自己吃得津津有味,小孩卻一口也不願碰;近來在藥膳烹飪上就少放中藥材,但藥膳仍依中醫對食物的性、味、色來調配,現在大家吃得很愉快不再抱怨,身體的毛病也少了,這正符合中醫「藥食同源、醫食同根」的道理。烹飪比賽會後最多人詢問我的一個問題是:「你們家的人都不用控制食量,為什麼不會胖呢?」它正是中醫養生觀念在烹飪上的運用結果。


Based on a family healthy cooking competition, this study aims to research and discuss the health preserving theory and methods in traditional Chinese medicine. The author made use of TCM health preserving concept to cook a five-colored healthy lunch-box in the competition. With the justification of two restaurant chefs, one gourmet and one nutrition consultant, this lunch-box carried off the first prize in 25 contestants. This five-colored healthy lunch-box followed TCM five-element balanced nutrition theory without failure of original taste and won the judges' favor. This proves that TCM health preserving concept meets the lifestyles of health and LOHAS. I always like to study the cook of herbal cuisines (medicated food), but my kids didn't want them. Recently, I try to use less Chinese medical herbals but still follow the TCM principle about the color, taste and nature components of food. Now, we all enjoy these cuisines and have good health at the same time. This meets the TCM belief that ”medicine and food are from the same source”. After the cooking competition, many people ask me ”Why do you look so slim even you eat so much?” It is because of the application of TCM health preserving theory and methods on household cooking.
