  • 期刊


A Case Report of Sudden Onset Hearing Loss Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine




突發性耳聾 中醫藥 針灸


Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) is a common disease in otolaryngology clinics. It is defined as rapidly developing hearing loss within less than three days, and the level of the hearing loss is more than 30 dB in at least three consecutive frequencies, which usually accompanied with tinnitus and vertigo. Orally or intratympanic glucocorticoids are considered first-line therapy for SSNHL. However, the benefit of these drugs is unclear. And the prognosis for sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is related to the severity of hearing loss and vertigo symptoms. Approximately, only two-thirds of patients with SSNHL can be fully recovered, while the others are suffering from the condition permanently. Therefore Traditional Chinese Medicine may be a complement option to these patients. This case repot describes a 14-year-old student who suffered from unilateral hearing loss, accompanied by tinnitus and dizziness. After treatment with antibiotics and steroids, the situation did not improve. So he turned to receive traditional chinese medicine treatment. The characteristic of this case is that based on clinical symptoms, combined with Chinese medicine theory, the patient's SSHL was treated with acupuncture to soothe the liver, dispel the stagnation, and regulating qi-flowing for strengthening spleen. After two months treatment, his hearing loss and tinnitus has marked improvement. This paper would present the procedure of TCM treatment in a detailed introduction and discussion.


SSNHL Hearing loss Acupuncture


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程士德主編:內經《厥論》,知音出版社,台北 2001;407-408。
