  • 期刊


A Case Report of TCM Therapy for Chemotherapy-Related Insomnia




大腸癌 化學治療 失眠 不寐 肝鬱


We reported a 37-year-old female with history of insomnia and takes STILNOX. The patient was diagnosed of S-colon cancer in 2017/5 and s/p chemotherapy with FOLFOX+Avastin started from 20170607. The patient's insomnia increased significantly after 106/6 chemotherapy (FOLFOX+Avastin). The dose of STILNOX was increased to 2#. Due to the above symptoms, she consulted Chinese medicine at 2017/9 for treatment. The patient was diagnosed as having liver qi stagnation, which caused liver and spleen stagnation, disturbed the mind and caused uneasiness. After taking Chinese medicine, the symptoms improved significantly, and the sleeping dose could be gradually reduced. This case explores the goals that chemotherapy-related sleep disorders can be expected to be achieved by adjuvant Chinese medicine treatment of cancer patients.


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吳龍源:失眠症的中醫辨證論治與臨床探討。傳統醫學雜誌 2010;21(1):75
黃金昶:黃金昶中醫腫瘤辨治十講。北京中國中醫藥出版社 2012;45-47:132-137
