  • 期刊


Effects of Cyclosporio on Oral Tissue: A Literature Review


環孢靈為70年代提煉成功的免疫抑制藥物,因為其免延抑制作用主要在抑制輔助性T細胞,而被選為移植器官患者“抗排斥"之藥物。自1980年代起,約10- 30%之使用者發現牙齦增大現象。除了臨床上觀察外,病理組織切片上也企圖瞭解這種副作用真正的機轉與原因。而於治療上,仍以口腔衛生宣導及牙齒且切除為主要方法。直到最近,環孢靈對骨質之影響才被證實。本實驗室藉動物實驗,不但再確證環孢靈可誘導牙用軟組織增生,更發現齒槽骨呈高度骨組織重塑現象。環孢靈是否會對顎面部造成影響呢?文獻報導雖不多,但臺中榮總就有位腎移植患者服用環孢靈後,發現牙齦嚴重腫大及顎面部變形之病例。因此若能更深入的研究與探討環孢靈對口腔各組織之影響,更是吾人及牙周病界該努力的一個方向。


環孢靈 牙齦腫大


The purpose of present review was to understand and reveal the possible effects of cyclosporin on the oral tissue. Cyclosporin-A (CSA) has become a primary drug in organ transplantation due to its suppressive action on specific T-lymphocyte sub-populations. Gingival overgrowth has been described as a significant side effect in patients who are administered CSA. The incidence of gingival overgrowth in CSA-treated patients has been reported various, but usually ranged in about 10 to 30%. For understanding the exact mechanism on CSA-induced gingival overgrowth, researchers are putting efforts on clinical and pathologic observation. However, good oral hygiene control and surgical intervention on overgrown tissue still are the major choices. Recently, an enhanced remodeling effect of CSA on bone was reported. We also noted that the increased activities on dental alveoli in a rat model. Because oral cavity includes both soft and hard tissues, it is reasonable that CSA may have somewhat effects on oral cavity, but rather then just gingiva alone. After administrating CSA, a patient in Tai-Chung was showing enlarged gingivae combined with facial deformity. Therefore, further evaluation on the effects of CSA on oral tissue are our remarkable responsibility.


cyclosporin gingival enlargements bone
