  • 期刊


Characteristics and Culture of Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblast Cells


人類牙周韌帶纖維細胞(human periodontal ligament fibroblast, HPLF)在生體中是一種不鈣化的組織細胞,乃由具有多樣特性的不同族群的細胞集合而成,展現出介於纖維細胞到造骨細胞間種種不同的表現特徵。然而HPLF的細胞系統來源,目前仍然不明,其中所含的纖維樣細胞,由是本身具有類似造骨細胞的特質,如含有較高的鹹性磷酸酶活性,能分泌多種與鈣化過程有關的蛋白質及在實驗室中可以誘導出類似礦質化組織的小塊,凡此種種均顯示出HPLF不同於一般的纖維細胞。在文中亦陳述一種常用的HPLF的取樣及培養方法和實驗發生錯誤結果的可能原因。HPLF在牙周膜的發育、功能和再生過程中扮演極重要的角色,所以對於HPLF特徵習性的了解將有助於臨床上維持牙周的恆定性及牙周病治療後組織的再生處理。


Human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (HPLF) are a non-calcified connective tissue cells with a heterogeneous cell population exhibiting ambiguous characteristics between osteoblast and fibroblast. Though the lineage structure of periodontal ligament populations is not well understood, some cells exhibiting the osteoblastic phenotypic features including high alkaline phosphatase levels, expression of bone-associated proteins and an ability to form mineral-like nodules in vitro. We also discussed about the cultivation of cells. HPLF explanted from freshly extracted teeth yield an adequate source from which an occasional continuous cell line would be developed. As HPLF plays an important role in the regulation of development, function, and regeneration of tooth support apparatus, the information of the characteristics of HPLF will help us to better control the homeostasis and the regeneration of periodontium.
