  • 期刊


Narrative of Fixed Camera in Computer Animation - "Minuscule"TV series




This study observed the first season short films of the European animated TV series《Minuscule》. We studied their uses of lenses, and analyze the plot associated with the camera views to explore how fixed camera shots guide narrative expression and create visual understandings in a story. This study reveals that fixed camera shots can be used in different ways to achieve variety of narrative effects. First, animation films often use zoom in/out to emphasize broad views of the scene, 《Minuscule》adapts several cuts from close shot to long shot to replace the camera movements and achieves the same effect. Moreover, we also found that zoom in/out technique enhances the visual attention in a complex environment. Secondly, camera movement is typically used to track character in some fast pacing scenarios,《Minuscule》uses fixed camera shots with changing scenery to create the feeling of character's fast motion. In addition, we found that match specific angles can break the limitations of the size of view area, create perspective images that help viewers understand the motion trajectory and emphasizes the sense of speed. Rapid cuts of fixed camera shot between character and scene features can create intensive atmosphere.


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