  • 期刊


Cardiopulmonary Responses to Isokinetic Concentric/Eccentric Exercise of the Quadriceps in Healthy Young Adults


目的 過去有關年輕人等速運動對心血管系統反應之研究測試,大多著重在最大等速向心運動;少數討論到等速向心/離心運動這種方式引起的心血管反應及性別因子是否影響結果。本文主要目的在於探討股四頭肌等速向心/離心運動對於正常年青人心肺反應之影響及性別因子是否影響結果。 方法 木實驗受試者共有22名(男性10名,女性12名),所有受試者先進行最大運動之實驗測試(同時記錄心跳率、而壓、攝氧量、每分鐘換氣量、心跳血壓乘積、脈搏血氧飽和度、氣體交換率、自覺用力指數等),其次再進行右腳股四頭股等速向心/離心運動之實驗測試,股四頭肌等速向心/離心運動計畫爲分別在角速度60°、120°、180°、240°、°240°、180°、120°、60°/s下執行右腳股四頭肌最大等速向心/離心收縮五次,在每次測試速度之間休息30秒,且在每一角速度運動下量測心跳率、血壓、攝氣量、每分鐘換氣量、心跳血壓乘績、氣體交換率等。 結果 男女性別在股四頭肌等速向心/離心運動,心跳率、血壓、每分鐘換氣量、攝氧量、心跳而壓乘積、脈搏血氧飽和度及氣體交換率未有顯著差異:收縮壓、舒張壓、心跳率、攝氧量、每分鐘換氣量、心跳血壓乘績、脈搏血氧飽和度和氣體交換率等皆在安全範圍。 結論 男、女因子不會影響股四頭肌等速向心/離心運動在心跳率、血壓、攝氧量、氣體交換率等之變化。此股四頭肌等速向心/離心運動計劃中血壓、心跳率、攝氧量、氣體交換率之變化仍屬於安全範圍。在各個角速度時之攝氧量約佔最大攝氧量之7%至43%。運用此等速向心/離心運動計劃於健全年青人在臨床屬有效的肌力訓練與安全適量之心肺刺激。


Purpose. Cardiopulmonary responses to resistance during isometric and isotonic exercise are well understood; however, very few studies have examined the cardiopulmonary responses to isokinetic concentric/eccentric exercise. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between gender and cardiopulmonary responses to isokinetic concentric/eccentric exercise of the quadriceps in healthy young adults. Methods. We recruited 22 healthy young adults (10 men and 12 women; age range, 18 to 30yr). All performed the maximal exercise test, during which heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), minute ventilation (VE), oxygen consumption (VO2), pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2) and gas exchange was preformed on a Kin-Com 500H dynamometer. Concentric/eccentric extension and flexion exercises were performed at angular speeds of 60°/sec, 120°/sec, 180°/sec, 240°/sec, 240°/sec, 180°/sec, 120°/sec and 60°/sec. A thirty-second rest period was allowed between each testing speed to reduce the effect of fatigue. Results. The SBP (85 to 172 mmHg), HR (65 to 122 beat/min), SpO2(3.3 to 13.7mL/(kg•min) and R (0.72 to 1.04) values during concentric/eccentric exercise were all within the safe range. Oxygen consumption in very angular velocity during concentric/eccentric exercise ranged from 7% to 43% of maximal oxygen consumption. The results indicated that the values of the cardiopulmonary response (HR, BP, VO2, VE, SpO2) during concentric/eccentric isokinetic exercise of the quadriceps were within the safe range. Conclusions. Gender did not affect HR, BP, VO2, VE, SpO2 or R values during concentric/eccentric exercise of the quadriceps. Therefore, the results of the study suggest that concentric/eccentric isokinetic exercise is an appropriate and safe rehabilitation program for young adults.
