  • 期刊


Research in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Taiwan: Analyzing Research Themes of Master Theses and Doctoral Dissertations


目的 以台灣七所主要大學院校之中醫藥相關研究之研究成果,運用內容分析法,探討其研究主題、研究種類及研究方法之分布,並就其中之量性研究,進一步分析其研究設計等情形:藉以瞭解及推測近年來台灣主要中醫藥領域之研究現況與趨勢。 方法 分析自民國85至91學年度七所中醫藥相關研究所之中醫藥相關研究碩、博士畢業論文總數共542篇,去除其中非中醫藥研究主題之論文後爲482篇,依研究主題、研究種類、研究方法及研究設計等四部份分析,瞭解其研究變項累計情形。 結果 經內容分析結果得碩士論文411篇,博士論文71篇,10個研究主題中以「中藥藥理物學研究」303篇佔最多。研究種類方面以基礎研究佔所有論文之比例最高(84.6%),其次爲應用研究(14.7%),最少的是政策性研究(0.6%)。研究方法則以量性研究比例最高,量性之博士論文346篇(84.2%),量性之碩士論文62篇(87.3%)。另取出量性(含質量混合)研究326篇分析其研究設計,結果顯示:實驗性研究(64.4%)最多,類實驗研究(29.8%)次之,非 實驗性研究最少(5.8%)。 結論 目前台灣的大學院校之中醫藥學術研究以基礎、量化、實驗性中藥相關研究爲主。建議未來碩、博士論文之研究主題分布宜更加廣泛,增加應用性研究,質性和量性研究並重之研究發展趨向,以遠多元化之人才培養。


Purpose. The purpose of this study was to understand the status and trends of research in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in Taiwan, This study analyzed the research topic, research type, and research methodology of master these and doctoral dissertations from various graduate institutes. Furthermore, details in the research design of quantitative studies were analyzed. Methods. A total of 482 master theses (n=411) and doctoral dissertations (n=71) in the field of TCM written from 1986 to 2002 were obtained from seven graduate institutes and analyzed by content analysis. Results. The results showed that 303 of the research topics were related to the science of Chinese medicine and pharmacy. Basic research was the major type of research topic (84.6%), followed by applied research (14.7%). The dominant method was quantitative research, with 346 master theses (84.2%) and 62 doctoral dissertations (87.3%). The most common research design was experimental (64.4%), followed by quasi-experimental (29.8%) and non-experimental (5.8%). Conclusions. This study concludes that the majority of master theses and doctoral dissertations in TCM in Taiwan focus on basic quantitative research and follow an experimental design. In order to promote diversification of academic research, we suggest that the scope of research topics for master theses and doctoral dissertations be expanded to include more applied and qualitative research.


