  • 期刊


The Thoughts of "Folklore" on War Time Taiwanese Intellectuals


日中戰爭在1937年開始之後,幾乎是同一時期,在台灣也以「內台如一」的口號,開始實施「皇民化運動」。提到「皇民化運動」的內容,可以聯想的就是,「日語普遍的運用、寺廟偶像參拜的廢止、神社參拜的強制、改姓名以及台灣儀式習慣等的禁止」等規定。甚至進入1940年代開始,正式開啟了所謂「大東亞共榮圈」的時代之後,台日雙方都進入戰爭體制。 談起台灣日治時期的民俗學,首先會考慮的是雜誌《民俗台灣》。《民俗台灣》是從1941年到1945年間所發行的雜誌。雜誌《民俗台灣》的內容,清楚地記載了台灣島內有關漢民族的風俗習慣。合計發行43號,從1941年(昭和16年)第一卷第1號雜誌發行以來,到戰後始終得到很高的評價。但是,90年代後半之後,台日雙方學者一轉態度也開始進行批評。 實際而言,1937年日中戰爭開始之後,台灣總督府依照所實施的「皇民化運動」,更加積極進行同化台灣人為日本帝國的臣民。檢視《民俗台灣》雜誌的內容,可以清楚看出其中和「皇民化運動」的宗旨內容有許多諸多的違背處,如果《民俗台灣》的旨趣,只是單純為了紀錄有關台灣的民俗習慣,為何在90年代又引起諸多爭議呢?這是個相當有趣的問題。本文所要研究的是,在戰爭時期發刊的《民俗台灣》上活動的台日知識份子,到底以何種心情留下台灣相關的民俗記錄?也就是說,進入戰爭時期之後,日本帝國全力以「皇民化運動」,殖民同化台灣為忠臣的皇國子民,「民俗」成為文化場域思考的同時,透過《民俗台灣》的書寫,台灣知識份子所認同的「鄉土意識」,與雜誌《民俗台灣》的書寫旨趣有何差異性?從「大東亞共榮圈」的架構中思考,殖民與被殖民兩立的差異性中,台灣知識份子所留下有關台灣「民俗」的紀錄,又有哪些特殊的含意?都是今天所要面對的思想性課題。


Since the outbreak of Sino-Japanese war in 1937, the ”Kominka Movement” (Japanize Movement) was implemented under the slogan of ”Inland-Taiwan Consistency”. The contents of ”Kominka Movement” consisted of 「universal usage of Japanese language, abolish the native temple visit and worship idols, constrain to visit Japanese Shrine , change of family name, prohibition of Taiwanese rites habit」 etc.. Into the beginning of 1940's with the initiation of so-called 「The Greater East-Asian Mutual Prosperity Circle」, both Taiwan and Japan entered into the state of war. On the folklore of Japanese ruled era in Taiwan, the journal 『Minzoku Taiwan』always comes to the first consideration. It was published between 1941 to 1945 with a total of 43 issues. The manners and customs of Chinese race in Taiwan Island were described clearly in the contents of this journal, and earned high appraisal from the first issue to post war. However, several comments were rose from researchers of both Taiwan and Japan from late 90's. In fact, since the outbreak of Sino-Japanese war, the Government-General implemented the ”Kominka Movement” in order to positively assimilate the Taiwanese as Japanese Empire subject. While examine the contents of journal 『Minzoku Taiwan』we could find a number of points which clearly against the objectives of ”Kominka Movement”. It is interesting to note that the purpose of journal 『Minzoku Taiwan』 is only for pure record of Taiwanese folklore, yet it caused several dispute at late 90's. This paper intend to find the thoughts of Taiwanese and Japanese cultured intellectuals who participated in the activities of wartime published 『Minzoku Taiwan』for recording the Taiwanese folklore. Since the outbreak of war the assimilation of Taiwanese to suzerain state Japan were enforced through ”Kominka Movement”, and the 「folklore」 became the field of cultural contemplation. In the meantime, through the writing of 『Minzoku Taiwan』, what are the difference between the 「native consciousness」which were recognized by Taiwanese intellectuals and the publishing purport of 『Minzoku Taiwan』? Consider from the framework of 「The Greater East-Asian Mutual Prosperity Circle」, the discrepancy between the co-existence of colonial and non-colonial population, the record on Taiwanese「folklore」 left by Taiwanese intellectuals, are there any particular meanings on these? All are the thoughtful subjects that we face at present time.


