  • 期刊

A Study on the Factors Contributing to the Understanding of Spoken Language in an EFL Context



本研究旨在探討生活在英語是外語的環境中,會影響英語學習者(EFL loarners)學習英語聽力理解的兩項因素―語音因素(linguistic factors)與超語音因素(extra linguistic factors)。研究抽樣是中原大學學生。語音因素包括語意(semantic cues)、語意與句法(semantic - syntactic cues) ,以及字彙與文法 (vocabulary and grammar)。超語音因素包括視覺鑑別力(visuals)、聽覺敏威力(vocals)、周邊資源運用度(contextual support) ,以及重複詞彙之取用(the repetition of the text)。分析結果顯示,這些不同因素在聽力理解上佔有不同份量之比重。就語音因素方面,語意因素所佔份量最重,其次是語意與句法,而文法與字彙與理解力的相關性不高。就超語音因素方面,學習者是否具備這些超語音因素之能力,即可判定其聽力理解力之高低。


The study aims to investigate the linguistic as well as extra-linguistic factors affecting the understanding of spoken language in an EFL context, using a sample of students from Chung Yuan Christian University in Taiwan. Analysis suggests that different textual factors are not equally important to the learners’ understanding process—The learners’ ability to catch the se-mantic cues is highly correlated with the overall listening comprehension performance; their ability to catch the semantic-syntactic cues is moderately correlated with the overall listening comprehension performance; their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary is weakly correlated with the overall listening comprehension performance. Extra-linguistic factors, which include visual, vocal, and contextual support, speech rate of the speaker, and the repetition of the text, play a crucial role and are found to be capable of differentiating listening proficiency levels even among the EFL learners who are advanced in grammar and vocabulary.


Her, T. C. (2005). 國中基本學力測驗英語科加考聽力測驗:問卷調查研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2004200718475393
