  • 期刊


The Concept and Practice of Modern General Education-Case Analysis of the Basic Institution Building and Future Development of General Education in Kai Nan University


通識教育一詞,經常被視之爲「通才教育」、「人文教育」、「博雅教育」或「全人教育」的同羲詞,其理想在於協助學生除了專業素養的培育之外,結合學校之辦學理念,用以擴展逹寬廣的視野,養成好學深思的太度與民胞物與胸襟的教育。也就是一種建立人的主體性,並與客觀情境建立互不主體性關系的教育。 但是,有時難免被批評陳羲赤高,範圍廣泛而難以逹成目標。或是感慨通褒教育是「自古以來所有教育工作者的永恆的鄉愁」,或是認爲通識教育已經成爲「封教育現狀失望的理想主羲者寄託希望的桃花源」。不論如何,只有通過實踐教育與不斷自我改進與修正的過程,才是接近理想與目標的唯一途徑。是以封論「通識教育的實踐」,更具有實質內涵與意羲。 然而,通識教育的實踐,須要各個層面的條件配合,才能夠産生具體成效。因此,通褒教育的理想,最好於平凡中見高尚,強調其可行性、可親性、可尊敬性;通識教育的建制,應該基於教學開討、學術研究、活動辦理面設置典章,重視跨單位協商,與校內外交流合作;通識教育的課程,必須透過流程檢視,認定規範,尤應多方考量,融通專業,長遠規劃。 本文主旨,在於嘗試探討甫建校近三年的開南管理學院,其之於高等教育中實施通識教育的制度建立過程,並分析該校通識教育制度的變梃遷趨勢,及其逹成制度建構與變遷過程中所面臨的挑戰,並經由探討通識教育目標的未來規劃與展望,分析其制度建構之後追求通識教育使命所必須面臨的課題。故而本文擬從通識教育目標的確立、通識中心編制的演變、通識與核心課程的投針、通識教學特色的規劃、通識學術研究的辦理與交流五個層面,具體檢視開南管理學院的通識教育實施情形,以作爲思考如何進一步改善「通識教育的實踐」之參考。


The concept of general education is often seen as the same meaning of terms of generalists’ education, humanistic education, popular education or holistic education. Its major objective is to build a global way of thinking and improve a broad vision for modem students beyond their professional knowledge and training in the higher education programs. Furthermore, the main value of the general education program is to build students’ autonomy and to improve their objective and inter-subjective thinking in the modem multiple societies. However, such ideals and a content of general education are sometimes criticized, for being too much idealized and abstract to design realistic education and training programs. Therefore, how to combine ideals and practice in general education programs is very critical for instructors in the general education field. In addition, planning and fulfillment of ideal general education need to combine different dimensions of rule-making, institution-building, academic• research, instructor-training and field activities in order to improve its feasibility, effectiveness, participation and accessibility. The major purpose of this paper is to introduce and evaluate the design and its characteristics of the general education core curriculum. These are two of the innovative initiatives at Kai Kan University. With this purpose, the writer introduces the background of the research issue. In addition, the writer describes concepts and problems of modern general education, and presents some researchers findings. Also, he introduces and analyzes the design and system of the general education program at Kai Kan University, followed by concluding discussions and remarks about developmental trend of general education. Finally, the writer presents a brief summary and recommendations to improve popularity of modem general education programs.


