  • 期刊


Life Science and Education of General Education in University


生命,是神聖的;尊重生命的真正價值,更是學界努力維護的重要議題。因此, 過去對於生命科學的探索、瞭解並進面成為應用性的科學,成為生命科學中重要的領域。然而,在教育中對於生命的關懷,仍然必須特別強化出生命教育的主題,以加以深化生命的其教育的理念。生命教育的推動,可溯源自前臺灣省政府教育廳時期,在民國八十六年起展開臺灣省中等學校的生命教育。民國八十九年起,教育部組成[推動生命教育委員會],結合地方政府、各級學校、民間團體之資源,系列規劃生命教育推動方案。在大學中,生命教育自然而然成為通識教育的一環。根據通識教育目的,在於促進現代知識青年不但是一個自然人、科技人,更是一個社會人、文化人;或者說,通識教育就是促進學生自我啟蒙、自我開發、自我提升及自我擴展的[全人教育]。因此,生命科學結合了生命教育,其教學內容及教學目的與通識教育之理念幾近吻合。 本研究認為,在大學中生命科學的教學具有多元的面向,其教育範疇主要可區分為五類:第一、生理科學;第二、心理方面;第三、社會科學;第四、哲學思維;第五、跨領域研究。 最後,經由開南管理學院生命科學領域之[人與醫學]課程之設計介紹,其待透過各種教學內容及不同之教學方式,激發大學生對於自、人我及社會整體的認識與關懷的教育目標。


Life is so honor. To respect the true value of life is the mission and important issue of the academic field of general education. Most of us regard the education of life science as the applied science such as physiology or medicine. But the nature of the life science should be reconsidered in a broader perspective in order to emphasize the topic of the educational proportion. The promotion of life education in Taiwan Province was started from 1997. The Ministry of Education establishes the council of the promotion life education on 2000. In the university, the life education naturally becomes a part of the general education. The mission of the general education is to create the “holistic person” who has the self-enlighten, self-development, self-promotion and self-expansion. The life science and life education both match the mission above. In this paper can indicate the pluralism perspectives of the life science and life education in university. The five educational categories will be written down here: physiological approach, psychological approach, social science, philosophical approach, and the interdisciplinary approach. Eventually we introduce the course of Human and the Medicine in Kai Nan University. Hope the teaching contents and the setup can bring the discussion about the life science, life education and students in University to achieve the aims of life.
