  • 學位論文


A Study on Course Design of Science Curriculum in General Education

指導教授 : 趙金祁 博士


本研究在探討我國通識教育中科學課程之科目內容的設計原則,並分析不同通識教育環境下的非理工背景大一學生,在接受由設計原則指導下所編選和組織的教材教學後,學生在科學態度、科學本質,以及科學知識等認知程度上的差異。 研究樣本取自國內兩所(A、B)大學,其中A校31人,B校40人。A校重視通識教育的程度高於B校,且實施大一、大二不分系制度,但B校學生大學聯考入學成績高於A校。 本研究採取準實驗研究設計,學生在教學前、後分別接受科學本質、科學態度,以及科學知識等三項與科學素養相關量表的測試,兩次測試之間則施以通識教材與教法的教學。同時,每組選取5-10人進行兩次課後的晤談,以了解學生對科學本質、科學態度和科學知識等認知改變的原因,同時調查兩組學生對實驗教材內容和教學方法的意見和感受、對通識教育科學課程及科目內容的期待。所收集的定量研究資料,以T、U或卡方考驗進行檢測,以確定A、B兩組樣本的學習成效和對實驗教材的意見是否呈現顯著差異。而個別晤談的資料,則選取認知程度改變較大者為對象,以個案分析的方式處理,了解學生認知改變的原因和對通識教育的意見。此外,由心得感受分析所有受試學生對通識教育科學課程之教材、教法的建議。 準實驗研究的結果顯示:(1)實驗教材和教法對促進多數非理工背景學生之科學素養的提升有正面幫助,不論是在科學本質的了解、科學態度的認知、科學知識的理解等方面;(2)兩組學生在了解科學本質與科學態度之前測成績比較上,皆達顯著差異(p<0.05),A校學生的平均成績低於B校學生;然而,後測成績卻無顯著差異,表示兩組學生的後測平均成績相當,這表示強調通識教育的A校學生之學習成效與進步幅度都顯著高於B校(p<0.05)。 教學後學生學習心得和感受的結果顯示,兩組學生對於實驗教材內容和教法都給與相當的肯定,但A組學生的回答較B組保守:(1)所有學生的88.7%認為自己對於四週上課的內容達到「了解以上」的程度;(2)73.2%的受試者認為四週教材「非常適合」做為通識課程之科學科目內容的一部分;(3)98.6%的學生認為教材內容顧及學生學習興趣的程度在「中等以上」;(4)98.7%的學生認為實驗教材與生活相關的程度在「合適程度以上」;(5)所有受試的73.2%認為上課內容使其「變得比以前喜歡科學」,其中58.1%的A組人數,85.0%的B組人數選答此項;(6)所有學生對上課內容的滿意程度都在「滿意以上」,其中22.6%的A組人數選擇「非常滿意」,B組選答此項的人數卻達該組的50%;(7)67.7%的A組學生認為實驗期間吸引其前來上課的主因為「教材內容」,50%的B組學生則選擇「教法」。 至於訪談結果和學生心得感受顯示:(1)A組學生表達該校非常重視通識教育,也認同學校倡導通識教育的理念,B組學生則未有類似的意見;(2)兩組學生都表示過去學習科學的經驗,深深影響其對科學類通識課程的修習;而兩組學生也表示教材內容符合學習興趣是其選修通識課程科學科目的第一考量;(3)講述中融入發問思考與討論的教法遠較教師直述的方式更受學生偏愛,但必須輔以教師鼓勵、給與充分時間,以及尊重其發言等條件的配合;(4)學生期許校方能開設更多元的通識教育科學課程,而科目內容則以生活化為主,並能幫助其解讀有關科學的資訊。 根據上述的研究結果,有如下的建議:(1)設計通識課程之科學科目內容時,可參考本研究擬出的六項大原則,並融入適當的科學史例及與生活相關的題材;(2)學校應主動協助學生釐清通識教育對其學習上的意義與定位,並繼續推展通識教育的理念,營造有利學生學習的環境與氣氛;(3)通識教育科學課程的教學必需重視發問思考與討論式的教法;(4)開設更多不同屬性的科學課程,以滿足學生的求知慾;(5)繼續研究不同通識教育環境下,通識素養的培育對學生學習科學的影響,以收集更多支持通識教育推動的有力證據。 關鍵詞:通識教育、科學課程、科目內容、教材和教法、科學本質、科學態度、科學知識、學習成效


A Study on Course design of Science Curriculum in General Education Shu-Sheng Lin Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the differences of learning outcomes of two non-science majored groups that were taught by the same teacher and used the same teaching materials that were organized according to the indicators of course design of science curriculum in general education. The learning outcomes reflect on four aspects: (a) the change of students' understanding the nature of science, (b) the change of student's scientific attitude, (c) the growth of scientific knowledge, and (d) the change of students' learning interest in science curriculum in general education. This study adopted a nonequivalent-group pretest posttest design on two classes of freshman in two universities, in which the one is more emphasis on general education than the other. The various types of data collection are based on Understanding of the Nature of Science Scale(UNOS), the Scientific Attitude Inventory : A Revision(SAI Ⅱ), the test of scientific knowledge about the matter and chemical reactions, the questionnaire of four-week learning perception and interview. The results of the study are concluded as follows: (1) There are significant effects (p<0.05) in pre-and post UNOS, the test of scientific knowledge about the matter and chemical reactions in each group. (2) There are significant effects (p<0.05) in pre- UNOS, SAI Ⅱ between two groups, but there is no significant effect (p>0.05) in post- UNOS, SAI Ⅱ between two groups. (3) There is no significant effect (p>0.05) in pretest or posttest of scientific knowledge about the matter and chemical reactions between two groups. (4) Data from the interviews and the questionnaire on four-week learning perception show that the teaching materials and 4-week instruction not only positively promote students' learning and understanding about the nature of science and scientific knowledge, but also change their scientific attitude and attitude towards science or towards learning science. (5) Students that express much more identification the meanings and functions of general education will show much better learning outcomes. (6) Nearly all students express strong agreement that this kind of approach do enhance their learning motivation and interest on science curriculum in general education after four-week instruction. (7) Most non-majored science students hope the contents of course in science curriculum of general education is related to their life. Moreover, there are any kinds of science curriculum they can choose in their school when science serves as an elective course in general education. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that teachers should help non-majored science students to find the meanings and functions of general education and learning science for themselves. Furthermore, pay much more attention the needs of students when teachers design the subject matters in science courses. This will promote students' motivation and interest in learning science. Future study may consider extending the instruction period and including different kinds of background of non-science majored students to be samples. Key words: General education, Science curriculum, Course design, teaching materials, subject matters, Nature of science, Attitude towards science, Scientific attitude, Scientific knowledge, Learning outcomes.




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