  • 期刊


Techological Space? Gender Space? Or Educational Space?-Discussing Gender Equity Education in Unviersities



近年來校園中的兩性平等教育問題愈受重視,在許多大專院校中兩性方面的課程多安排在通識課程中,也是大學生接觸性別教育的主要管道。為建構更具性別敏感度的兩性平等教育,首要的工作便是瞭解校園中學生所體驗到的性別不平等及其影響因素,因此本研究的主要目的是探索大學生所體驗到的校園性別障礙情形及影響因素。藉由本研究可更瞭解在大專院校中不同性別需求的差異,也可提供未來規畫大學通識課程中兩性平等教育內容之參考。 本研究使用問卷調查法,針對元智大學92學年度通識課程之學生進行調查,針對四大領域之通識教育課程隨機抽出特定班級採集體問卷調查,共完成676份有效問春。本研究結果發現:校園中存在許多性別刻板印象而影響學生生活,有近六成的同學同意通識中心應多開設兩性方面的課程,近63%的同學同意男生也應該要上護理課,這點反應出學生對男生上軍訓女生上護理這種刻板印象的鬆動,也反映現代男同學性別觀念比較不僵化的現象。在性別差異方面,女性感受到校園社會障礙的程度較男性高,也反應出在校園資源分配中弱勢的現象;男性主要在符號障礙(師生互動)上感受到校園性別空間障礙的程度較高;在高中就讀學校類型差異方面,純男校高中畢業者感受到的性別障礙高於其他類型者,尤其是校園課程安排障礙方面,而過去就讀女校的學生比較能夠意識到社會障礙的存在,即校園教學與資源不平等的現象。


In recent years, gender equity education becomes an important issue in Taiwan. In many universities, courses related to gender issues are arranged in general education centre, which becomes a critical resource for students to know more about gender. In order to develop a more gender sensitive education, the first step is to understand the gender bia on campus. This paper attemps to explore the possible obstructs on campus which individual gender feel unconfertable due to their genders. The result of this study may shed some light on the planning of gender equity education in universities. Useing survey research method, 676 students in general education courses were randomly seleted to fill in the questionnaires. This study found that there were still many gender stereotypes in universities which affected students' life. Sixty percent of students agreed that more courses related to gender issues should be introduced in general education in universities. Sixty-three percent of students agreed that male students should take nursing course. It seems that students' attitude towards gender division in course type is decreasing. This study also found that female students felt stronger gender bias on campus than male students; especially the gender bias on resourse distribution and teaching system. Male students felt stronger gender bias in the interactions between teachers and students than female students. Besides, the experience in senior high school affects students' sensitivity towards gender issues. Students who graduated from man-only senior high school felt stronger gender bias in the arrangement of courses, and had tended to have patriarchal attitude. Students who graduated from women-only senior high school felt stronger gender inequality in resource distribution on campus than male students.


