  • 期刊


The Context of Eco-Community and Its Development on Urban-Rural Connections


工業革命之後環境的退化與氣候的變遷,使人類開始檢討與省視人地之間的關係,為了減緩人類對環境的破壞與干預,聯合國提出「永續發展」的宗旨目標,呼籲世界各地能保護我們的生存環境。從人與環境及人與人間的互動來看,「社區」為人們生活環境的基礎,所以植基於社區上的保護策略開始在國際上蔓延開來,它們或被稱為「永續社區(sustainable community)」,但陸續也萌現「生態社區(eco-community)」的說法。然而這兩種社區的概念在意義與實踐上已是時常混淆,本文的研究目的之一即在釐清永續社區與生態社區的根本訴求,並嘗試從生態學的基礎來解析生態理念在社區發展意義上的核心價值,強化生態社區的發展。 此外,從過去生態社區已有的空間實踐來看,不僅龐雜無序,其發展多僅被放在社區內部的空間價值來思考,規劃與設計都侷限在社區本身的框架裡來操作,這樣的思考方向不僅缺乏地理學中所在意的空間連結,也侷限了生態社區的發展可能,而落入城市社區與鄉村社區各自發展,各自想像的結果。因此,本文初擬提出一個新的架構,認為將生態社區放入「區域」的尺度,不僅能使其概念更加完整,更能重新定位與建構城市社區與鄉村社區之間的互動與流動,而發展出有別於傳統模式的城鄉新風貌。


After Industrial Revolution, the environment of the earth was badly destroyed, and the natural resources were over deprived to the degree to danger the earth system, and result in some serious global changes. For this consequence, people all over the world have been wakening finally to protect our environment and to rebuild healthy ecological system. Among the numerous ways to do, community is the basic unit to mobilize for getting the first step to protect our surrounding environment, the kinds of communities were called “Sustainable Community” or “Ecological Community”. However the concepts of both were blurred and overlapped by the use of the most of community-planners and in many articles, there is a need to identify the definition of the both concepts and distinguish the relations. Besides, community practice was always restricted within a community boundary, even an eco-community, which we now view it as a defect since it doesn’t fit the geographical principle of spatial connections, and cannot accomplish itself by the way. As a result, we suggest a “region” view to examine eco-community and its potential for shaping new urban-rural connections. Research objectives: A. Define the meaning of “Sustainable Community” and “Ecological Community”. B. Confirm core values of ecological principle used in shaping an ecological community. C. Find out the common applicable method that adopted in all eco-communities. D. Detect how urban-rural relationships influence eco-community development. E. Discover new urban-rural features through eco-community practices.


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