  • 期刊


The pilot study of mindfulness-based intervention for improving negative symptoms in chronic schizophrenia


目的:思覺失調症患者之負性症狀對其生活適應與認知功能有相當大的影響,本研究目的在於設計本土化慢性思覺失調症患者之正念方案,並初探其成效。方法:以隨機臨床試驗研究設計(Randomly Clinical Trial),招募60位慢性思覺失調症 患者進入本研究,隨機指派至正念組和常規治療組,在治療前、治療結束後和治療後三個月進行憂鬱、正念和負性症狀之評估。以共變數分析法進行資料處理。結果:正念組有19位成員完成八周課程(總人數=30人);療效指標方面,相較於常規治療組,正念組參與者在負性症狀方面有顯著改變,雖然正念表現有上升趨勢,但和憂鬱情緒在組間未達顯著性差異。結論:本研究為初探性研究,初步支持正念練習對改善負性症狀之效果,仍需要更大規模和跨區之研究進行,以確定正念方案之實際成效。


Objectives: Negative symptoms have impacts on life functions among people with schizophrenia. This study was to develop and examine the effectiveness of mindfulnessbased intervention for people with schizophrenia. Method: A randomized clinical trial was utilized to examine the effectiveness of mindfulnessbased intervention. Sixty patients with schizophrenia were randomly assigned into mindfulness group and treat-as-usual group. Depression, mindfulness and severity of negative symptoms were assessed in pre-session, post-course and follow-up. ANCOVA was applied to analyze the data. Results: Nineteen participants in mindfulness group completed eight-week courses. Compared with treat-as-usual group, participants in mindfulness group showed significantly positive changes in negative symptoms, whereas no significant differences of depression and mindfulness were found. Conclusions: Our findings supported the effectiveness of mindfulness-based intervention on schizophrenia, a larger sample and cross-region, and biological outcomes should be considered in the future study.


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