  • 期刊


An Oropharyngeal Foreign Body Following Penetrating Injury by Bamboo – Case Report




箭竹 穿刺傷 口咽部


The pharynx and nearby structures such as the great vessels and nerves, are susceptible to penetrating injuries of the head and neck. These injuries can lead to massive bleeding and airway obstruction. We report a 30-year-old woman who suffered a penetrating injury to the neck from the sharp tip of the a bamboo (Pseudosasa uzawai) shaft while she was collecting bamboo sprouts. Two weeks after initial wound management by a general surgeon, she came to our out-patient clinic because of persistent discomfort of the throat and dysphagia. A piece of bamboo shaft was found in the oropharynx, extending to the hypopharynx and nasopharynx. Computed tomography showed no foreign body but swelling of the posterior pharyngeal wall. A tracheotomy was performed to keep the airway patent. Then the foreign body was removed from the mouth after transaction at its midportion. After surgery, the patient recovered without complications.
