  • 期刊


Vascular Leiomyomas of the Nasal Cavity - Case Report


平滑肌瘤常見於子宮、皮膚和腸胃道,起源於鼻腔的平滑肌則是相當罕見,這可能和此部位的平滑肌含量稀少有關。在鼻腔以血管平滑肌(vascular lciomyoma)最常見,臨床上,鼻腔平滑肌瘤的症狀並無特異性,以鼻塞、流鼻血及局部疼痛最常見,治療方法以手術切除為主,最後的診斷則需靠病理切片才能確定。本院在1998年11月經驗1例,患者為51歲女性,主訴鼻塞及間歇性流鼻血,理學檢查發現右側鼻腫瘤,經手術切除病灶,病理診斷為富含脂肪細胞之血管平滑肌瘤,術後病患症狀消除,門診追蹤至今沒有復發跡象。鼻腔平滑肌瘤須和其他的鼻腔性腫瘤作鑑別診斷,另外也必須考慮平滑肌肉瘤的可能。


血管平滑肌瘤 鼻腔


Leiomyomas are commonly found in the uterus, skin and gastrointestinal tract. Leiomy-omas origination in the nasal cavity are extremely rare owing to the paucity of smooth muscle in the nasal cavity. There are no diagnostic symptoms arising from such tumors.Clinically intermittent nasal obstruction, recurrent epistaxis, and local pain are the most commonly encountered symptoms. We recently encountered a patient who presented with intermittent nasal obstruction and nasal bleeding for a number of years. A mass was identi-fied in the right nasal cavity and after surgical removal was shoowndhisologically to be a vascular lemyoma with abundant adipose cells. The symptoms disappeared after surgery and there was no evidence of recurrence one and half years later. Vascular leiomy-omas of the nasal cavity are one of differential diagnoses of benign nasal cavity tumors, and the possibility of a leimomyosarcoma of the cavity should always be excluded.


Vascular leiomyoma cavity
