  • 期刊


Infantile Hemangioendothelioma of the Parotid Gland - Case Report


幼年型血管內皮瘤屬良性血管瘤的一種,但因臨床上具侵襲性而常被誤認為惡性,一般多發生於幼兒肝臟,亦有發生於腮腺等其他部位之病例。本例為現年3歲多的女童,自7個月大起即被發現左側外耳道內長有一紅色肉芽狀腫瘤,該腫瘤隨著時間漸漸長大。至女童1歲10個月時,除外耳道可見腫瘤外,並於耳下形成一6×4 cm的腫塊,外耳道開始有異味之漿液性分泌物產生。電腦斷層掃描顯示為一分葉狀、具強烈顯影之腫瘤,佔據左側腮腺部位及中耳腔,並延伸至外耳道。爾後病童於他院接受切片手術,術中發現該腫瘤極易出血且有部份組織壞死的現象,病理報告為幼年型血管內皮瘤,遂轉介至本院。我們於血管栓塞後施行全腮腺切除術及根治性乳突切除術,術後雖出現左側顏面神經麻痺及持續性耳漏,但於數月間漸漸痊癒,目前病人情況良好。


Infantile hemangioendothelioma is a benign vascular tumor, but its progressive invasion seen clinically and the dense cellularity seen microscopically often lead to a misdiagnosis of malignancy. The majority of tumors are found in the liver, but other sites including the parotid gland can be affected. We describe a 3 year-old girl who had a red, granulomatous tumor in her left ear canal since seven months of age. The tumor rapidly increased in size and the mass was 6×4 cm infra-auricularly by the age of 22 months. Mal-odorous otorrhea was also noted. CT scans identified a lobulated, enhancing tumor that occupied the left parotid area and extended into the middle ear cavity and external ear canal. Easy bleeding and partial necrosis of the tumor were noted when noted when the tumor was biopsied. Tissue pathology was suggestive of infantile hemangioendothelioma. Total parotidectomy and radical mastoidectomy were performed after embolization. Post-operative facial palsy and persistent otorrhea were present but subsided after a few months.
