  • 期刊


Immobilization with a Papper-Clip Splint for Interphalangeal Joint Dislocation of the Second Toe-A Case Report




This is a case of 34 years-old female suffered from the second toe pain of right foot after a slip in the bathroom. she came to our OPD and accepted X-rays examination. A-P and oblique view of R't foot showed dislocation of the 2nd DIP joint. Then, she had accepted the treatment consisted of a close reduction and a papper-clip splint immobilization. Next day, rechecked X-rays films revealed that there was no replacement happened. Three weeks later, we removed the splint. There was minimal tenderness at injury side. After three months from the time of the injury, she had regained full range of motion and normal strength of the second toe. There is a satisfactory outcome in this case.
