  • 期刊


Familial Carotid Body Tumor - Case Report


頸動脈體瘤屬於較不常見的頭頸部腫瘤。臨床上,可分為散發型及較為罕見、經體染色體顯性遺傳的家族型;兩型臨床特徵的最大差別是,後者兩側性發生的比率遠較前者高。本文報告姊妹兩例經手術證實的家族型頸動脈體瘤。其中1例左頸動脈血管攝影檢查時無意中發現是兩側性。兩側皆在保留內、外頸動脈的情況下,將右側腫瘤切除。兩側型患者手術時,右頸動脈分叉處血管壁發生小破裂,須經縫合修術後並有短暫舌下神經麻痺。此外,2例並無其他併發症;唯兩側型患者不敢再接受對側手術。 頸動脈體瘤愈大,手術的難度愈高,併有症發生的機率亦愈高。在腫瘤尚小時,儘早手術是本病治療的原則。心臟血管外科醫師參與手術,在必要時修補、分流,或重建頸動脈,可以降低嚴重併發症的發生率。


頸動脈體瘤 家族型


Carotid body tumor is a relatively rare neoplasm. Epidemiological studies suggest 2 forms of this disease: 1) a more common sporadic form, and 2) a rarer familial form, which is transmitted via an autosomal-dominant pattern and characterized by a greatly increased frequency of bilateral tumor occurrence. In this paper, two cases of familial carotid body tumor including one patient with bilateral tumor are reported. Right tumor of both cases was excised without significant morbidities, but surgical treatment of contralateral tumor of the case of bilateral tumor has not been performed because the patient fears of the risk of carotid artery injury. The treatment of choice for carotid body tumors is complete surgical excision. Early removal of an asymptomatic tumor minimizes the potential for neurovascular injury. The surgical risk of stroke or death will be significantly reduced if the vascular surgeon is included in the surgical team to handle the possible vascular injury with modern vascular surgical techniques.


carotid body tumor familial
