

血管球瘤(glomangioma)為一少見的良性腫瘤,通常發生於四肢末端的皮下組織。它為血管球體(glomus body)增生所形成。血管球瘤極少發生於頭頸部,在鼻腔更是少見,直到1994年只有5個鼻腔血管球瘤的病例曾經在文獻上被報告過。台中榮總耳鼻喉科於1994年經歷一例鼻腔之血管球瘤,腫瘤位於鼻中隔左側,經由內視鏡將腫瘤完全切除。追蹤至今,情況良好,無復發現象。


Glomangioma is a benign tumor, presumably representing hyperplasia or harmartomatous development of the glomus body. It is most often found in the extremities and only rarely in the head and neck. Glomangioma of the nasal cavity is even rarer. To our knowledge, only five cases of glomangioma of the nasal cavity have been reported in the English literature. Recently, we encountered a case of glomangioma of the nasal cavity. The tumor which was located on the left side of the nasal septum was completely excised endoscopically. No recurrence has been noted 3 months after operation. We present our experience in this case and have reviewed the relevant literature.
