  • 期刊


A Study on "Hu Shi Yue" from Ju Si's "Zi Zhi Tong Jian Kang-Mu" - with Volume 1 to 35 as Examples




Ju Si's most significant contribution towards the Chinese traditional historiography is that of his collaboration with other scholars to write a book called "Zizhi Tongjian Gangmu" (hereinafter referred as "Tongjian Gangmu"). In addition, he also has established a new historical form of which is a combination of "Spring" and annalistic styles of "Gangmuti". This manuscript is based on Hu Yin's historical review on the "Tongjian Gangmu" volume 1 to 35 (i.e., the historical writing within "Hushi Yue"). This study analyzed how "Tongjian Gangmu" has evolved and become Hu Yin’s "Dushi Guanjian" to elucidate how a neo-Confucian scholar pursues a meaningful world. In simpler words, Ju Si would like to implement Hu Yin’s historical review as the foundation to establish the idea of a country as the core with three principles and five virtues as the world. Moreover, volume 1 to 35 of the "Tongjian Gangmu" did not quote any of lines within the historical review in "Dushi Guanjian" and hereby the author has presented a possible hypothesis and reasonable explanation in this manuscript.


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