  • 期刊


An Investigation to Analysis the three-part Skill about the Elite Men's Table Tennis Athletes


本研究以參加雪梨奧運桌球男子單打冠軍決賽的中國大陸選手孔令輝及瑞典選手華德納為研究對象,以三段技術評估表為研究工具,目的是在分析這兩位選手之三段技術,並比較出二人的優劣。 結果顯示孔令輝在三段技術使用率方面,發球搶攻段的使用率僅達23%,接發球搶攻段的使用率達29%,相持段使用率達48%。在得分率方面,發球搶攻段得分率為71%,接發球搶攻段得分率為37%,相持段得分率為51%。 華德納在三段技術使用率方面,發球搶攻段的使用率達29%,接發球搶攻段的使用率達23%,相持段使用率達43%。在得分率方面,發球搶攻段得分率為63%,接發球搶攻段得分率為33%,相持段得分率為49%。 兩位選手的三段技術皆達及格以上的指標。孔令輝在這場球中,發球搶攻段得分率比華德納高了8%,而接發球搶攻段比華德納高了4%,相持段則比華德納高出2%。


The subjects of this study were the China athletes Kung Ling-hui and Sweden athletes Wadena in Men's Table Tennis Singles finalists, in the Olympic Games in Sydney. Research tool was the three-stage skill analysis table. The purpose was to analysis there three-part skill, and compare who was the best. The results were show Kung Ling-hui's three-part skill in the using percentage, just only 23% in serve-then-aggress part, 29% in receive-then-aggress part, 48% in rally part. In the scoring percentage, 71% in serve-then-aggress part, 37% in receive-then- aggress part, 51% in rally part. Wadena's three-part skill in the using percentage, 29% in serve-then-aggress part, 23% in receive-then-aggress part, 43% in rally part. In the scoring percentage, 63% in serve-then-aggress part, 33% in receive-then-aggress part, 49% in rally part. There was all ”PASS” in the three-part skill. Kung Ling-hui's scoring percentage in serve-then-aggress part was more than Wadena 8%, and in receive-then-aggress part was moer than Wadena 4%, in rally part more than Wadena 2% in this game.


