  • 期刊


A Study of Integration for Colleges and Universities



今年三月間國內的公立大學校院已籌組台灣聯合大學系統、台灣大學系統、台灣綜合大學系統及台灣聯合師範大學系統等四個聯合大學系統,由台灣地區現有公立大學來看已佔學生數的60%以上,此問題已為當前的重要議題值得探究。 本研究以台灣地區公私立大學校院為對象,採文獻分析法、文件分析法、調查法研究方法等調查大學院校對整併原則、整併利弊等意見,並以自編調查問卷對大學院校決策及管理階層做調查,問卷總數507份,回收數303份,回收率為59.76%,採用肯德爾和諧係數(the Kendall coefficient of concordance) 統計分析,經統計結果,其P值為.0000。 研究結果發現台灣地區的出生人口及出生率均逐年降低;大學校院的學校數則逐年上升,招收學生數方面的發展則呈逐年上升的現象;至於學校規模方面則有85%以上均為小型學校;另在整併的策略方面其優先順序為:1.不同性質學校組成職合大學系統;2.與不同性質學校合併等可供參考。


大學整合 高等教育


In March this year, Taiwan’s national colleges and universities have reorganized into four joint university systems, namely, the Taiwan Joint University System, the National Taiwan University System, the Taiwan General University System, and the Taiwan Joint Normal University System. The proportion of the number of students nerolled in theses schools is now more than 60% of the total student population in public colleges and universities in the Taiwan Area. This matter has now become a very important issue, which is worth an investigation. This study on the public and private colleges and universities in Taiwan employs literature analysis, document analysis, investigation research methodology to collate the views of the different colleges and universities on merger principles and the pros and cons of school mergers. A total of 507self-designed questionnaires were sent out to the policy-making and administrative bodies of colleges and universities in the Taiwan Area. A total of 303 questionnaires were returned for a response rate of 59.76%. The Kendall coefficient of concordance was used for statistical analysis, and a P value of .0000 was obtained. The results of the investigation show that there is a gradual decrease in the number of births and the birth rate in the Taiwan Area, while the number of colleges and universities is gradually increasing. There is also a gradual increase in the number of students enrolled in colleges and universities. More than 85% of the schools are categorized as small-sized. The merger strategies employed by the schools are the forming of a joint university system comprising of different types of schools, and the merging with a school of another category.



