  • 期刊


Investigating Level and Characteristics of Self-Determination Skills of School-Age Students with Disabilities: A Cross-Gender, Educational Stage, and Type of Disability Research


本研究的主要目的係評估國小至高中職階段間全體及不同障別身心障礙學生的自我決策程度與特質,並評估學生的性別、教育階段及障礙類別彼此在影響其自我決策程度之交互作用情形,另亦比較不同背景變項中各群組決策程度之差異情形。本研究採隨機抽樣方式從我國各地理區域募集小五至高三間之各類身心障礙學生(n = 1,458)及普通生(n = 187)參與研究,後者的資料主要係做為比較的標準。本研究使用的工具係趙本強於2011 年所發展的一份信效度頗佳的標準化自我決策評量工具─「學齡學生自我決策量表」,其可用於評估學生在自我瞭解、心理賦權、自我調整及獨立自主四個向度的能力及整體的自我決策能力。資料分析法包括描述統計、「自我決策能力指標圖」之視覺分析、t 考驗及變異數分析。研究結果顯示,全體或單一障別身障生的自我決策程度皆為偏低的程度,另不同性別、教育階段及障礙類別樣本呈現的自我決策組型不一,即各有其獨特的決策優勢情形。此外,在三變項中,僅性別與障礙類別兩者係以交互作用的形式影響學生的自我決策程度。整體而言,不同性別及障礙類別學生彼此自我決策程度的差異情形不一,然學生隨其就讀的教育階段升高而呈現自我決策程度上升的趨勢。本研究最後針對研究結果進行討論並提供相關建議。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the level and characteristics of self-determination skills of school-age students with disabilities, examine whether students’ gender, educational stage, and type of disability have interaction effects on their self-determination skills, and compare the differences of the level of self-determination skills between students with varied demographics. Subjects were students with disabilities (n = 1458) and those without disabilities (n = 187) between 5th and 12th grade, selected from each county in Taiwan by using the probability sampling method. The latter were used as an comparison group to evaluate to which extent that level of self-determination skills of students with disabilities is lower than that of their peers without disabilities. The measurement used in the present study is a standardized scale, Self-Determination Scale for School-Age Students (Chao, 2011). According to the author, the scale have appropriate reliability and validity. Self-Determination Scale for School-Age Students is a scale developed to assess the self-determination skills in four areas including self-realization, psychological empowerment, self-regulation, and autonomy. Scores of each area could be summed up to form a total score, with higher scores indicates the higher level of self-determination. Data collected were analyzed using varied methods including descriptive statistics, t test, visual analysis, one-way analyses of variances (ANOVAs), and two-way ANOVAs. Findings showed that students with disabilities demonstrated a significantly lower level of self-determination skills compared to their peers without disabilities. In terms of characteristics, students with different gender, educational stage, and type of disabilities showed varied self-determination patterns. That is, different strengths and weakness. Additionally, gender and type of disabilities had an interaction effect on self-determination skills. In summary, students across different demographics demonstrated varied levels and characteristics of self-determination. Nonetheless, students’ self-determination skills increased as they grew older. Suggestions and implications were provided.


身心障礙及資賦優異鑑定標準(2006 年9月29 日)。
身心障礙及資賦優異鑑定辦法(2012 年9月28 日)。


