  • 期刊


Causal Attribution and Punitive Attitudes toward Juvenile Delinquency: Teachers' Samples from Correction High Schools in Taiwan


本研究針對新竹誠正中學以及高雄明陽中學之教師以及輔導人員,以戴伸峰(2009)之少年非行原因認知問卷以及自編非行對策嚴懲化支持量表爲工具,以郵寄方式發送並回收問卷。研究時間爲民國97年4月中旬至5月中旬。共發出誠正中學40份問卷,明陽中學35份問卷,合計75位。實際回收有效問卷爲誠正中學32份,明陽中學24份,合計57份。有效問卷回收率爲76.00%。 研究結果發現:戴伸峰(2009)所抽取出之少年非行原因16因子架構在矯正教師樣本上得到因子適合度指標的滿足以及確認。少年矯正學校教師對少年非行原因認知以「缺乏家庭管教」、「負面家庭氣氛」、「軟弱的人格特質」、「非行團體行爲」等因子之平均認知得分較高。在對嚴懲化對策支持度方面,以預防性爲主的「對少年實施嚴格管制」因子得分最高,其次是「少年法體系的嚴懲修正」,最後才是「少年適用成人法體系」。 與先行研究一致,當矯正教師有較強的少年非行人格原因認知時,他們也會對於非行嚴懲化對策有較強的支持度。此外,在本研究中地域環境惡化的原因認知強化了對少年行爲嚴格管制的嚴懲支持態度,而大社會環境惡化認知則強化了少年法體系嚴懲修正的態度。


The present study examed causal attributions and punitive attitudes of juvenile delinquency of teachers' samples from the Ming-Yang and Cheng-Jheng correction high schools. We used the 64items causal attribution questionaire constructed by Tai (2009), and questionaire of puntive attitude toward juvenile dleinquency. We sent 75 questionaires to participants and got valid answers of 57. First, we found that participants from correction high schools had multiple attributional factors toward juvneile delinquency, and factor structures of Tai (2009) had been confirmed by samples of teachers. Teachers of correction schools tended to emphasize the nagative influences of family and the weak mind of juvenlie which made the delinquency happened. We also found that teachers tended to approve some punitive methods to protect juvenile instead of punishing them. Besides, we found that personal causal attribution of juvenile delinquency strengthened punitive attitudes toward juvenile delinquency. Some environmental factors also had the same effect. We interpreted this may due tu the protective tendency toward juvenile delinquency.
