  • 會議論文


Reversed System Engineering-An Approach for Taiwan's Car Electronics Industry to Gain Competitive Advantages


本文提出之逆向系統工程(Reverse Systems Engineering)是快速建立台灣產業自主研發能力的最佳解決方案。此方法經由利用混合工程法(Hybrid Engineering Method),對公司既有代工產品進行電腦輔助工程(CAE)與應力試驗量測(CAST/CAMT)所得到的結果作相關性分析,並且以耦合工程法(Coupled Engineering Method)讓分析結果更符合真實情形,得到準確的產品設計參數。未來新產品開發就能以逆向系統工程所得到的模型及設計參數資料庫為基礎,作產品設計及準確的CAE分析,再以少量的試驗原型驗證設計結果。每次設計分析與問題解決的知識累積,將為台灣汽車電子產業快速提升自主研發的能量。


This paper presents the reversed system engineering, which is a quick way for Taiwan's companies to improve their position in car electronics industry. This approach is based on hybrid engineering which validates the analytical method by comparing analytical results with tests on the existing products. The coupled engineering is also applied to make the analytical results more realistic. Such approach can then help the user to set the principles for product design based on any existing product, and will keep improving the analytical method by updates from new analysis. With this approach, the knowledge and experience from each existing analysis can be used as updates for the next analysis and will help Taiwan's company to develop their product independently.
